You searched for "measurement"

1413 results found

SnapPROBE™ Accessories for Sera™, easyScreen™ and Novus™ with Sanibel Supply

Newborn hearing screening demands complex and sensitive technology to record the electrophysiological and physiological responses needed (ABR and OAE).

Acoustic Immittance Measures: Basic and Advanced Practice

Writing a short yet comprehensive textbook to explore the vast and developing field of acoustic immittance measures seems like a challenge. This book aims to explore the core concepts behind immittance testing and provide an update on recent developments within...

Cochlear Implants - Audiologic Management and Considerations for Implantable Hearing Devices

This book aims to serve as a must-have resource for those in higher education in audiology and cochlear implant audiologists wanting to go the extra mile in their approach to maximise clinical outcomes for their patients. Jace Wolfe is a...

Hearing Aids for Speech-Language Pathologists: a Guide to Modern Rehabilitative Audiology

This is a book of two parts. The first six chapters are not pitched at speech language pathologists (SLP), at least not for those in typical practice in the UK. This section of the book is appropriate to experienced audiologists...

A raised neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio predicts vestibular schwannoma growth

It has long been known that the neutrophil to lymphocyte count ratio (NLR) is a marker of inflammation and that a higher ratio relates to poorer outcomes in some malignant tumours including some head and neck cancers. Neutrophilia (and therefore...

Are organ-preserving treatment strategies for T3 laryngeal cancers reducing patient survival?

This article presents the 10-year results of a single institution’s treatment of advanced laryngeal cancer. The institution established a protocol based on the Dutch Head and Neck Society consensus document on laryngeal cancer diagnostics and treatment published in 1991. This...

Patient-reported outcome measures: what do the people say?

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) assess and quantify health outcomes from the patient’s perspective. Defining these questionnaires as outcomes indicates that they are psychometrically sensitive to change. This article describes three PROMS: namely the Patient Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS),...

Pepsin detection in the diagnosis of LPR: New webinar available on-demand

BIOHIT HealthCare has staged an on-demand webinar about the clinical application of pepsin measurement in the investigation of reflux.

Speculating on saliva during endoscopy

It has been noted that the presence of saliva in the pharynx and larynx during flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) can be an indicator of increased risk of aspiration and consequent pneumonia, as well as weight loss and malnutrition....

To endo or to micro, that is the question: the musculoskeletal paradigm

Endoscopic ear surgery is a newer concept compared with the microscopic one. Both could lead to musculoskeletal pain due to the long static posture of surgeons during otologic procedures. The authors conducted a study on eight otolaryngologists, four attendings and...

What is the quality of patient-reported outcomes of salivary function?

Salivary gland dysfunction has multiple causes and can have significant impact on quality of life, particularly when symptoms are severe. There are several patient-reported outcomes (PROMS) that assess these issues; however, these are variable in what they measure. This systematic...

Monitoring the mouth in ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; or motor neurone disease) is characterised by gradual loss of function in the speech muscles resulting in a progressive deterioration in a person’s ability to communicate. The aim of this study was to investigate the use...