You searched for "nasendoscopy"

400 results found

Protective SNAP device to be provided free to the NHS

Four thousand SNAP devices will be distributed to all NHS hospitals with an ENT department for free. The device, developed by endoscope-i during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure safe nasoendoscopy assisted procedures, is a one-way valve which fits on to...

Sialendoscopy assisted excision of parotid stones

This is a retrospective paper from China that looks to assess the efficacy and safety of sialendoscopy with a combined transoral or transcutaneous approach for the removal of parotid stones. Sialolithiasis is known to be a cause for obstructive parotid...

Upper airway endoscopy: achieving a balanced service whilst minimising the conflict of sustainability

Nasal endoscopes present a unique challenge in balancing sustainability and practicality. Both disposable and reusable scopes may have distinct roles in modern practice. Flexible endoscopy of the upper aerodigestive tract is an essential technique that facilitates detailed assessment of the...

Successful laser treatment of a laryngeal cause of dizziness

Dizziness is often considered to be a condition that is best managed by physicians or otologists. This case report describes an unusual cause of presyncope successfully treated by a laryngologist. The patient in question was a 45-year-old member of the...

Patient positioning for transnasal flexible laryngoscopy

The position of a patient’s head during flexible nasendoscopy to visualise the larynx does not usually require much consideration – adequate views are almost always obtained with a patient sitting in a neutral position. Occasionally however, there will be patients...

Deep space neck infections and their management

This article explores the approach to managing patients with deep space neck infections. Clearly, an understanding of the fascial planes within the neck is required which then provides an understanding of the route of spread in these cases. The authors...

Innovation in medical product technologies

There is a point in all innovation projects where the clinician has exhausted their knowledge and needs expert help to create a prototype. Mark Prince, Design Engineer, discusses this phase of the project and how engineers’ analytical thinking brings a...

Learning curve for sialendoscopy

Sialendoscopy represents a minimally invasive technique that permits direct salivary tree visualisation and treatment using endoscopic techniques. Previous studies have shown that it is an efficacious, safe and potentially gland preserving method to treat major salivary gland disease. However, it...

Loss of smell in the age of COVID-19

Loss of smell (LOS) is a debilitating symptom with increasing interest for the medical community due to its high prevalence in COVID-19. In the present paper, a team of 15 experts provide recommendations for the investigation and management of patients...

Awake transnasal laryngeal and pharyngeal biopsy in the unsedated patient

In an attempt to improve the efficiency and flow of patients through a busy ENT clinic, technology now allows the ENT surgeon to consider biopsies in the outpatient setting on a more regular and controlled basis. This can avoid the...

CRS vs. migraine: which is the culprit in most headaches?

‘Sinus headache’ is a common diagnosis according to patients and primary care physicians, but relatively infrequent in the eyes of otolaryngologists. This study examines 104 patients with a primary headache syndrome (PHS) and 130 patients with CRS, looking at SNOT-22...

An overview of human factors in ENT and anaesthesia

James Bates and Chris Frerk are both passionate about how human factors science can improve safety in healthcare and have co-authored this article describing how communication, ergonomics and other non-technical skills are making operating theatres safer. There is no doubt...