You searched for "networking"

1228 results found

Loss of smell after COVID-19: a view from the patient forums

Patient advocate, Chrissi Kelly, founder of AbScent, talks about how the pandemic has changed the way we think about smell loss. The high prevalence of chemosensory impairment as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has shone a much-needed spotlight on...

Modernising scientific careers and audiology in the United Kingdom

Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) is an education and training strategy for 51 disciplines in healthcare science within the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom (UK). Some of these disciplines lacked clear training routes as well as registration opportunities...

Inequitable access to cochlear implantation across the UK

Referral rates and uptake of cochlear implantation in the global adult population are low. Five audiology centres across England and Wales retrospectively explored data over a six-month period in late 2019, post implementation of new National Institute for Health and...

From ‘patients’ to ‘participants’: a career in audiological research

Melanie Lough is a clinical audiologist-turned-research audiologist and, in this article, we hear about how she applies her transferable skills gained in audiology to her current role and future aspirations. Career background My route into audiology was unconventional to say...

Pursuing part-time postgraduate qualifications

Thinking of going back to university to do further study? We hear from one audiologist who identified an area of further study and specialisation and took the leap. My career in audiology began in 2003 through a traditional route in...

Managing sustainability

Planetary health needs to be addressed at a societal level for any meaningful impact to occur. As the global director of sustainability for a law firm, Marion Palmer provides an overview of the responsibilities of corporate organisations for both a...

Privacy and security in connected hearing healthcare

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced audiology services across the globe to find new ways of working. This has resulted in a rapid increase in the uptake of remote care and, with it, some new privacy and security considerations. Connected hearing...

The European School of Interdisciplinary Tinnitus

Scientific careers in tinnitus are expanding beyond any single discipline to embrace interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. Natalia Trpchevska and Christopher R Cederroth present an overview of an innovative EU-funded training programme called the ‘European School of Interdisciplinary Tinnitus’, and...

Previous radiotherapy does not cause worse outcomes in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer

Radiation exposure from nuclear incidents, especially in childhood, is known to increase the risk of thyroid cancer. This large retrospective study from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre sought to determine if thyroid cancers in patients with prior exposure to...

Predictors of complications in patients undergoing oral cavity cancer surgery

Surgical management of oral cavity cancers is complex, frequently involving extensive resections and complicated reconstructions. Quantification of risk in an individual patient may allow surgeons to more effectively identify patients at higher risk of complications and develop strategies for prevention,...

Paediatric vestibular dysfunction

This Malaysian study looked at the awareness amongst otorhinolaryngologists in the investigation and management of paediatric vestibular dysfunction. The authors noted that, although paediatric vestibular dysfunction is a common problem, there seems to be limited literature in assessing the proficiency...

Surgical Paediatric Otolaryngology, Second Edition

This is a well-written and illustrated surgical atlas of paediatric otolaryngology by authors who are senior and experienced paediatric otolaryngology head and neck surgeons working at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. This text is a comprehensive...