You searched for "protective"

3975 results found

What Plug?

For decades, audiologists have encouraged people to wear hearing protection when they attend concerts. Traditionally, the most accessible options have been foam plugs, which have limited appeal due to their poor sound quality. Disposable foam plugs absorb high frequency sounds...

Daflon – a new way to treat idiopathic epistaxis

Epistaxis is a common ENT emergency and most cases are idiopathic. Flavonoids are natural substances with variable phenolic structures that are found in fruit and vegetables and take effect on blood vessels. Daflon is proposed to control epistaxis by “improving...

Cochlear implantation in children with congenital long QT syndrome

Jervell and Lange-Neilsen syndrome is a condition where sensorineural deafness coincides with inherited abnormalities of the heart, resulting in prolonged ventricular repolarisation, frequently shown on an ECG with a prolonged QT interval. These children can present at implant centres for...

Audiology Treatment

This book brings a great new comprehensive text to audiologists. It is readable, despite most chapters being written by different authors. Dr Galster has edited a collection of chapters from experts in their field into something that is comprehensive, totally...

Age and the SSCC

This is a radioanatomical study on the CT scans of 385 temporal bones to measure some parameters of the superior semicircular canals (SCCC) including bony thickness, diameter and projection into the middle cranial fossa. All measurements were performed on a...

Noise induced hearing loss caused by nightclubs

Legislation on hearing loss and tinnitus, occurring due to noise exposure at work, has been well established in terms of protection and compensation, but the same damage resulting from noise in nightclubs remains an open issue. This study, based on...

Less than full time training: the best of both worlds!

Every one of us can feel the pressures of competing interests of everyday life and commitment to our careers. This can be even more difficult when bringing up a young family, especially when we have had to move away from...

Globus – benign when the sole symptom

This is a prospective cohort study of Danish patients that presented to an otolaryngologist’s office with globus over the course of a year. They accounted for 4% of new patients, amounting to 122 patients in this study (57 patients were...

Prospective evaluation of quality of life in the flaccid

Flaccid midface paralysis causes nasal valve collapse due to the lack of tonic muscular support. This causes both external nasal valve narrowing and collapse during inspiration. Correction of the nasal valve is performed in functional rhinoplasty. However, these procedures do...

ENT in this issue...Smell

Chris Potter, MA, FRCS(Eng), FRCS (ORL), Consultant ENT Surgeon, Torbay Hospital, UK. E: The lack of attention to olfaction as a cultural experience is hard to explain in world literature. It is even harder to explain when one regards...

Is submandibular gland transfer effective in prevention of post irradiation xerostomia in head and neck cancer patients?

Post irradiation xerostomia is a common side effect of irradiation to the head and neck region, with up to 90% of patients reporting some symptoms. Submandibular glands account for 70% of resting saliva production. Surgically transferring the submandibular gland to...

Preoperative CT checklist (using the ‘CLOSE’ mnemonic) improves identification of anatomical variants for endoscopic sinus surgery

Computed tomography (CT) scans of the paranasal sinuses act as roadmaps for endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and careful inspection preoperatively warns the operating surgeon of critical anatomical variants. This study aimed to investigate if implementation of a pre-ESS CT checklist...