You searched for "registry"

595 results found

OBITUARY: James Milner Robinson (1937 - 2021)

James Milner Robinson FRCS, formerly a consultant otologist to Gloucester and Cheltenham hospitals, died peacefully on 3 November 2021 at the age of 84 after several years of ill-health. In keeping with his lifelong love of nature and care for...

In conversation with Nash Patil and Gerry O’Donoghue

In celebration of Nash Patil’s inauguration as President of the Irish Otolaryngology Society (IOS), we dropped by to ask him a few questions, along with Gerry O’Donoghue, BACO 2020 Master. We’re particularly pleased to hear that Nash is looking forward...

Information for vestibular professionals and patients

The Ménière’s Society is a registered charity dedicated solely to supporting people affected by vestibular disorders.

Migration and training: a British-Nigerian surgeon’s perspective

Less than 4% of doctors on the UK’s medical register describe their ethnicity as African or part African, yet there are myriad driving forces behind the migration of medical trainees from Africa to the UK and other developed countries. Ekpemi...

HPV and ENT; should we vaccinate boys?

David Black and Charlie Hall reiterate Vin Paleri’s pleas for a common sense evidence-based approach by those who allocate healthcare resources to the now urgent issue of HPV-related disease. They discuss the merits of different vaccines and the need for...

The ENT operating theatre viewed down the retrospectoscope

We learn much of our future by looking at our past; Douglas MacMillan provides us with a fascinating glimpse into his years as a junior doctor. The operating theatre was a somewhat alien environment in the late 1960s: theatre sisters...

Current management of unilateral sporadic vestibular schwannoma

Vestibular schwannoma is the commonest tumour of the cerebellopontine angle (80%) and accounts for around 8% of all intracranial tumours. The commonest primary presenting symptoms are audio vestibular. Hearing health professionals are often the first contact for patients with potential symptoms of vestibular schwannoma, with the majority then being seen and diagnosed by otorhinolaryngologists.

Does cholesteatoma surgery affect school performance?

While much focus has been placed on short-term complications associated with cholesteatoma, a lack of knowledge remains about the impact suffering from cholesteatoma in childhood may have on educational outcome. The aim of the study was to investigate whether suffering...

Clinical leadership and management: developing world ENT

I have been asked to share some of the initiatives I have been involved with to address ENT-related challenges in Africa and the developing world. Developing countries constitute the majority of the world’s landmass (Figure 1), are home to >50%...

An idiot’s guide to the Ministry of Health

Neville Chamberlain on an ill-judged charm offensive. Now I like to consider myself a well brought up sort of chap, and was always taught never to bring up religion, politics or (heaven forfend!) a lady’s name at the dinner table....

Pathways for becoming an audiologist in the USA Part 1: the early years

Part 2 of this topic is available here. The Doctor of Audiology degree is required for clinical practice in the USA. In part one of a two-part series, Professor Hall reviews the evolution of academic credentialing for American audiologists, beginning...