You searched for "research"

2051 results found

Facing up to the challenge of behavioural observation in infant hearing assessment

The ability to assess detection and discrimination of speech by infants has proved elusive. Dr Iain Jackson and colleagues discuss how new technologies and fresh approaches might offer valuable insight into young infants’ behavioural responses to sound. The limits of...

Internet-based aural rehabilitation (IAR)

Rapid information technology development allows use of the internet in several areas. It is therefore not surprising that online rehabilitation programmes attract a large interest of researchers worldwide. This study aimed to analyse what participants’ experiences of IAR are. The...

Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols Second Edition

When asked to review the second edition of the popular Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols, I had high expectations. The first edition, published in 2005, has been a trusted resource for students and clinicians alike, and this second edition does not...

Why does music move us? Music as auditory signals of emotion

Music forms an integral part of the lives of people in all known cultures around the world. In this article Dr Sandra Garrido explains that in fact, our response to music is largely innate and is related to the evolutionary...

MedShr-ing is caring

MedShr is an international, award-winning medical education platform that has been created for healthcare professionals (HCPs) to discuss, learn, teach, and (to a lesser degree) network with one another. MedShr was founded in 2014 by Cardiologist Dr Asif Qasim and,...

Surgeon, Heal Thyself

Once a taboo topic, stress and psychological illness in doctors is now much more widely discussed. This is probably partly due to changing societal attitudes (with more acceptance of the importance of acknowledging mental illness) and changes amongst medics themselves,...

Nottingham hearing experts launch CHEAR (COVID and hearing) study

Researchers based in Nottingham are launching an in-depth and ongoing study into the possible effects of COVID-19 on patients’ hearing, tinnitus and balance. The CHEAR (COVID and hearing, otherwise known as ‘Measuring Hearing, Tinnitus and Balance following COVID-19’) Study will...

Landmark clinical trial into treatment for severe hearing loss launches

Researchers at the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and the University of Nottingham are launching a new study, sponsored by the University of Nottingham, which will inform the most effective treatment for people with severe hearing loss globally (those with...

BAA to host World Congress of Audiology in 2028

The British Academy of Audiology is delighted to have won its bid to host the International Society of Audiology’s World Congress in 2028 (WCA2028). The 38th Congress will be hosted in Edinburgh, 23-26 April 2028.

38th World Congress of Audiology 2028

With 1,200 delegates expected to attend, it will be a perfect chance to shine the light on UK audiology, with its unique environment with the National Health Service (NHS) providing the world’s largest healthcare service that is free at the point of delivery.

New international collaboration: Young Otolaryngologists of IFOS – ‘YO-IFOS’

The Young Otolaryngologists of IFOS, founded in Paris in 2017, has an ambition to fulfil four key missions at an international level: education, research, networking and congress-related activities. Kate Stephenson tells us more about this exciting initiative. During the recent...

A twitch in time with a flicker of knowledge

The middle ear muscles can be seen as one of the ear’s safety mechanisms, and the interplay between eyes and ears has been established; think vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) or semi-circular canal dehiscence (SCCD). But can this protective mechanism be...