You searched for "sinonasal"

374 results found

A quick and simple approach to correcting the deviated nasal septum

Nasal septal surgery is a very common procedure that we tend to learn as junior trainees. Most of us still find that we have a lot to learn with every deviated septum that we encounter. There is a range of...

IOS 2024

The 65th Irish Otorhinolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery Society conference was hosted by IOS president, Professor Rory McConn Walsh in Titanic Belfast.

Comparing surgical freedom of four transsphenoidal approaches to the sella

Four transspenoidal approaches to the sella were performed and studied by the authors on eight silicon-injected cadaveric heads. Surgical freedom, that is, the ability of the surgeon to move his or her hands in a fixed space, was determined with...

The future of facial plastics and rhinoplasty

Interest in facial plastic surgery and in particular rhinoplasty has never been greater. From his wealth of experience in the field, Professor Palma outlines the potential problems of this increasing popularity and how they may be addressed, areas on which...

OBITUARY: Professor Heinz Stammberger (1946-2018)

We, at ENT & Audiology News, have just learned of the death of Professor Heinz Stammberger on 9 December. Within the global ENT community, there can be few people whose names are as well-known as his, and his loss will...

Cancer genetics and signalling pathways in ENT – a review and discussion of how this can be applied to rare tumours

Introduction Cancer cases continue to increase worldwide, and­­ head and neck cancer is a major global health issue, with an estimated global burden of over 630,000 new cases and over 350,000 deaths per year [1]. The term ‘head and neck...

Endoscopic CSF leak repair using nasoseptal flap

Many of us during training or in established practice will have encountered the complication of anterior skull base CSF leak. This can be a challenging problem to deal with and in this article the authors describe their favoured approach. Cerebrospinal...

Which factors affect the postoperative CSF leak following endoscopic skull base surgery?

Endoscopic skull base surgery is being increasingly performed worldwide for skull base tumours. Common indications include pituitary tumours, rathke cleft cysts, chordomas, craniopharyngiomas and olfactory neuroblastomas. The most common and important complication following endoscopic skull base surgery is postoperative CSF...

COVID-19 and medical practice

The pandemic has deeply affected all types of medical and surgical practice and even publications. In this issue, the lead article was on the French consensus on ENT practice during the pandemic. In ENT practice, both patients and health workers...

Management of frontal sinus fractures

Frontal sinus fractures are uncommon (associated with around 5-15% of facial fractures). The authors divide frontal sinus fractures into isolated anterior table fractures, fractures involving the frontal sinus outflow tract and posterior table fractures, discuss some of the recent relevant...

Otologic Surgery 
– 4th Edition

An otology textbook dedicated to Howard House, William House and James Sheehy, and in memory of Harold Schucknecht, Mendell Robinson and Antonio De la Cruz, has an awful lot to live up to. I am very glad to say that...

Chronic rhinosinusitis management: back to the future?

Immunology is a dim and distant medical school memory to many ENT surgeons, but the increasingly complex immunology of chronic rhinosinusitis is fascinating (honestly!). Medical management options in CRS no longer just involves saline and steroids, and we need to...