You searched for "vertigo"

367 results found

Dizziness: confusion, issues and considerations

Douglas L Beck gives his unique take on the difficulties involved in diagnosing dizzy patients and the importance of well-founded research acting as the basis for any diagnosis and treatment decisions. Dizziness. Uh-oh. We really have a very limited understanding...

Effect of COVID-19 on hearing and balance

Rhinological symptoms are cardinal features of COVID-19. However there have only been anecdotal reports on the involvement of the ear, the closest neighbour to the nose and throat. The aim of this study was ‘to assess the presence of persistent...

Clinical utility and practical interpretation of the video head impulse test

The head impulse test (HIT) is an essential bedside test to detect peripheral vestibular deficits. The video head impulse test (vHIT) is a new tool quantifying the HIT. In this article Maria Heuberger and colleagues point out the clinical utility...

Review of surgical treatments of intractable Meniere’s disease

This is a nice summary of the evidence available for the surgical treatments for intractable Meniere’s disease. To summarise, in five-10 years, over 90% of vestibular neurectomy cases, more than 80% of intratympanic gentamycin treatment, and 70-80% of endolymphatic sac...

How can we improve outcomes for patients with acute vestibular neuritis?

Vestibular neuritis is a common disorder that can leave up to 50% of patients with persistent vertigo symptoms for months to years following the acute insult. Often their first contact with ENT or balance specialists is many months after the...

Clinical features of BPPV in Meniere’s disease

It is an observation that BPPV appears to be commonly associated with Meniere’s disease (MD). This five-year study compared features and treatment outcomes between patients presenting with MD in conjunction with unilateral BPPV and a group of BPPV patients without...

BPPV and bone mineral density

Over the years, attempts have been made to identify modifiable risk factors for BPPV. Due to the chemical composition of otoconia, the role of calcium metabolism and its associated conditions have been studied with no firm conclusions. The authors studied...

Vestibular paroxysmia, diagnostic controversy clarified?

Historically, the cause of vestibular paroxysmia (VP) had been attributed to neurovascular compression of the eighth cranial despite the observation that such compression is very common in asymptomatic subjects. This paper, part of International Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD) by...

Low risk options following failure of intratympanic gentamicin for Meniere’s

This article is a useful summary of the options available when intratympanic gentamicin (ITG) fails to adequately control vertigo episodes in Meniere’s patients. The authors describe the anatomical reasons that may impede drug delivery to the round window with the...

Posturography in persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)

Those in neuro-otology practice will be familiar with PPPD now appearing in the forthcoming beta edition of ICD-11. This condition combines the symptoms of phobic postural vertigo and chronic subjective dizziness in which anxiety plays a part. The underlying hypothesis...

Type 2 diabetes and BPPV

Previous research has shown an association between BPPV and certain medical conditions such as hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and type 1 diabetes. The authors in this retrospective observational study investigated the interaction between BPPV and type 2 diabetes by examining the ‘role...

Covid-19 and vestibular symptoms review

Since the coronavirus pandemic, there have been several studies looking into alterations within the auditory system but few in the vestibular system associated with Covid-19. This review delves into the specific evidence. It is challenging to elucidate the link between...