Two laryngological authorities trace the history of laryngology, from ancient Rome to the modern day. The structure of the vocal folds was a matter of conjecture until the renaissance when anatomists such as Andreas Vesalius and Julius Casserius demonstrated the...
Voice disorders affect one in 25 people in the UK, and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a common culprit. LPR occurs when the stomach contents – including strong digestive enzymes like pepsin – flow back up into the throat, causing inflammation...
An innovative vocal implant system, to be exclusively distributed in the UK and Ireland by DP Medical, will help patients recover and improve their voices.
Soluvos Medical is proud to be an official partner for COOK OHNS in the BeNeLux region, as of 1 February 2022, for the COOK OHNS product line: Sialendoscopy, Biodesign Otologic repair, Doppler Blood Flow Monitor, Biodesign Dural repair.
In the field of laryngology, perhaps more than in any other area of ENT, there has been a philosophical shift (as well as a technological one) in the approach of clinicians caring for patients. Albert Merati explains. Progress in laryngology...
The Royal British Legion campaign for the recognition of hearing loss in serving personnel and veterans In July 2014, the Royal British Legion launched a report entitled Lost Voices revealing that veterans under the age of 75 are three-and-a-half times...
The team at Soluvos Medical hopes that 2022 will bring social life, travels and meetings back to normal and that everyone can meet up at one of the scheduled meetings in the first quarter of 2022.
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is widely used for vocal cord injections to treat patients with a vocal cord palsy. It is commercially available as the Vox implant system. Alternative compounds that can be employed include hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse Voice)....
Fitting hearing aids is not simply a case of one size fits all. Nicole da Rocha discusses the benefits of using speech mapping as a verification tool. The verification of hearing aids has become quintessential for best practice. Using either...
Ever find yourself in a noisy restaurant, barely following conversation yet nodding in clueless agreement? Considering how loud social settings can be, this is likely a familiar scenario. As gatherings become a regular part of our lives again, so do...