You searched for "voice"

1267 results found

Complications associated with microlaryngoscopy surgery

Microlaryngoscopy procedures are often considered to be routine procedures at the straightforward end of the ENT operative spectrum. Complications associated with this surgery are thought to be infrequent and primarily related to the possibility of dental trauma and adverse voice...

Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery – Fourth Edition

I was quite intrigued to receive this book, as the third edition was a book I had read cover to cover whilst a trainee, and was one of my core books. Initially, having a quick glance through, I could immediately...

Heard That: does the app live up to its name?

Ever find yourself in a noisy restaurant, barely following conversation yet nodding in clueless agreement? Considering how loud social settings can be, this is likely a familiar scenario. As gatherings become a regular part of our lives again, so do...

Military noise induced hearing loss and the Lost Voices report: the evolution of earshot

Brigadier Robin Garnett gives us a snapshot of the 2014 Royal British Legion report on hearing problems of Service personnel and veterans. The difficulties in assessing and managing hearing loss are reiterated in this article, with an introduction to how...

The role of the multidisciplinary team in laryngology and airway – the Charing Cross experience

As the National Centre for Airway Reconstruction, the Charing Cross laryngology MDT provides expert care to patients with airway problems as well as voice and swallowing disorders. In this article, the team explain their raison d’etre and why the MDT...

British English speech test for occupational hearing assessment

It is very important to properly assess occupational fitness for several occupations such as police officer, military personnel or fire fighter. The aim of this study was to develop a British English speech in noise (SiN) test as a tool...

Soluvos Medical expands exclusive distribution agreement with Cytophil, Inc.

Cytophil, Inc. is pleased to announce the expansion of the exclusive distribution agreement with Soluvos Medical BV for Cytophil’s ENT products for all European countries, including United Kingdom, plus Dutch territories, South Africa and India.

Soluvos Medical is looking forward to the congress season 2022

The Soluvos team is preparing for the summer break. In the meantime, they can be found at the following events

Soluvos Medical is a corporate sponsor of the ELS

Everyone had hoped to see each other in person at the postponed 2020 ELS in Berlin. Instead, everyone will meet at the: Virtual European Laryngological Society meeting on 28th May 2021

Soluvos Medical brings laryngology products to their customers!

Soluvos Medical is still hoping that 2021 will bring social life, travels and meetings back to normal and that they can finally meet readers again at one of the yet-to-be-scheduled meetings later in the year.

In conversation with Jayne Fletcher-Brander

What is the process to bring music to a Deaf audience and does it enhance the experience of the hearing viewers? In this interview, Deaf SingSong performer, Jayne Fletcher-Brander takes us through the journey of bringing a signed musical performance...


For the deaf and hard-of-hearing, communication over the telephone can range anywhere from challenging to downright impossible. While many people who are hearing impaired are able to converse over the phone with the help of hearing aids, those who cannot...