This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
Authors who would like their books reviewed in this section or publishers interested in having their books reviewed should contact Francesca McCabe by email on
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From Listening to Language: Comprehensive Intervention to Maximise Learning for Children and Adults with Hearing Loss

How does one build a two-storey house? Start with a firm foundation, followed by a strong structure. Only then can the floors and attic be added. Madell and Hewitt provide practitioners with this same blueprint to facilitate optimal outcomes for...

Diseases of the Ear, Nose & Throat in Children: An Introduction and Practical Guide

The name Professor Ray Clarke is well known and well regarded around the paediatric ENT world. With this helpful book, Prof Clarke creates the perfect knowledge base to make paediatric ENT more accessible to those working in general ENT and...

Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults and Their Family Members – Sixth Edition

This book provides a plethora of information relating to aural rehabilitation. The author has taken a multi-faceted approach, combining firm evidence-based perspectives with an evaluation of the scientific foundations of current clinical practises. This book is mainly aimed at those...

Pediatric Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery

Published in 2020, this book, edited by professors of neurosurgery and otolaryngology, approaches the narrow field of paediatric endoscopic skull base surgery with a wealth of knowledge and expertise that the authors have achieved practising in adult and paediatric joint...

Sex and the Nose

For regular attentive readers of our little magazine, JRY will need no introduction. The word ‘polymath’ barely does him justice: a Colonel in the Medical Corps with an MPhil in poetry and apparently one of the “50 coolest people in...

Operate, Operate, Operate! A young surgeon in the 1970s

The book is a memoir of Douglas MacMillan’s experiences as a young surgeon in the 1970s. MacMillan describes his journey from medical school to training and becoming a consultant ENT surgeon. He shares stories about his challenges as a young...

Basic Audiometry Learning Manual - Third Edition

Unfamiliar with the first and second editions, it was a pleasure to review the third edition of the Basic Audiometry Learning Manual. As with many of such books available to the market, and as one would expect, there is a...

Complex Cochlear Implant Cases – Management and Troubleshooting

When working with cochlear implant (CI) recipients who are not responding as well as expected or their case incorporates new challenges for the audiologist, the common response is a quick panic, closely followed by a question: what do we do...

Head, Neck and Thyroid Surgery: An introduction and practical guide

This is an outstanding practical guide to head, neck, thyroid and parathyroid surgery for the trainee starting in the head and neck rotations but also preparing for board college exams such as the MRCS, FRCS or the EBEORL. The authors...

To Hear Again, To Sing Again: A Memoir by Ellis Douek, ENT Surgeon and Hearing Implant Pioneer

“The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.” LP Hartley’s immortal words could have been written for these fascinating reflections on the practice of ear, nose and throat surgery during the second half of the 20th century....

Scott-Brown’s Essential Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

The three-volume Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery is arguably the definitive encyclopaedia of ENT. Its comprehensive nature, however, limits its utility when preparing for examinations. The authors, in creating an “essential” version, have managed to produce an ideal textbook...

The Essential Guide to Coding in Otolaryngology: Coding, Billing, and Practice Management - Second Edition

Medical coding has been complex, evolving, and less understood by many, although it affects every medical practitioner practice in the United States. This book presents with the essentials of coding and billing for the otolaryngologist, thereby making it efficient and...