Blood-sampling prognostic predictors for Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy is generally defined as an acute-onset unilateral idiopathic mononeuropathy in the facial nerve. It is of unknown aetiology, however, inflammation is considered a major cause. Electroneurography assessing nerve excitability is the most reliable examination for predicting prognosis of...

Measurement of HINTS in peripheral vestibulopathy

Dizziness; Head impulse test; Nystagmus; Skew deviation; Vertigo.

Balloon eustachian tuboplasty and inferior turbinectomy

This Taiwanese prospective case-control study looked at concurrent inferior turbinectomy (via submucosal turbinectomy) and balloon eustachian tuboplasty on symptoms related to eustachian tube dysfunction. A total of 50 patients who underwent inferior turbinectomy with balloon eustachian tuboplasty were recruited prospectively...

How common is dysphonia and dysphagia after cardiac surgery?

Patients undergoing cardiac surgeries, such as coronary artery bypass (CABG) and valve operations, are usually informed that there may be some risk of laryngeal complications that could result in a dysphonia or dysphagia. This may be due to factors including...

Low-frequency air-bone gaps appear to be a true audiological finding in Ménière’s disease

There is a lack of established objective tests in Ménière’s disease (MD) that can provide information about the disease process. The appearance of low-frequency air-bone gaps (LFABGs) in MD is a recognised but unexplored phenomenon. Two theories have been suggested...

Hyaluronic acid injection laryngoplasty

This systematic review discusses the use of hyaluronic acid in injection laryngoplasties. Unilateral vocal cord paralysis leads to incomplete vocal fold adduction and dysphonia. For patients not improving with voice therapy, surgical procedures include injection laryngoplasty or open laryngeal framework...

Endolymphatic sac tumours

The authors performed a systematic review of literature and describe the clinical signs and symptoms of endolymphatic sac tumours (ELST) in this article. A total of 113 patients and 118 cases from 26 studies were included in the study. The...

Small but significant

These authors try to circumnavigate the conundrum of what is influenced by what. For something so small, the impact of the Stria Vascularis cannot be understated. The difficulty in reviewing the influence of loop diuretics or aminoglycosides on the Stria...

Video otoscopy

The COVID-19 pandemic and challenges in offering health services at the time showed how useful telehealth services can be. One of the undoubted benefits of video otoscopy is that both images and recordings can be sent to specialists for assessments....

Sing it, say it, sort it: singing for Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) occurs in 1% of the population aged over 60. Changes in voice and speech are among the earliest and most prevalent symptoms of PD; reduced vocal intensity, monopitch, monoloudness, breathy and hoarse voice quality, imprecise articulation, vocal...

Which surgical procedure is more effective in treating OSA? Tonsillectomy or modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty?

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a recognised condition that is increasing in prevalence, affecting the quality of life in certain individuals. Although the first line management is non-surgical, this paper highlights the two different surgical procedures offered to patients. The...

To scan or not to scan, otosclerosis

Otosclerosis can co-exist with other ear pathologies such as superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD). Stapedectomy in this situation can lead to development of SSCD symptoms. Authors conducted an email-based survey involving active members of the American Neurotologic Society (ANS) and...