You searched for "Air-conduction"

563 results found

Multiple free flaps for head and neck cancer

Most patients with advanced head and neck cancers now undergo microvascular free flap reconstruction. This is mainly as flaps facilitate complete tumour and margin removal by providing reliable wound coverage and better restoration of form and function. However despite this,...

Cheek reconstruction following melanoma excision

Malignant melanoma occurs most commonly on the cheek and thus is usually diagnosed early, and rarely needs large reconstructions for advanced disease. This is a retrospective study looking at 26 patients that had undergone treatment for cheek melanomas between 1996...

ENT/AUDIOLOGY in this issue March/April 2020

Emma Stapleton, MBChB, FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant Otolaryngologist, Cochlear Implant and Skull Base Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK. E: Twitter: @otolaryngolofox Martin O’ Driscoll, Consultant Clinical Scientist; Head of Audiology and Hearing Implants, Audiology (Hearing and Balance) Centre, Manchester Royal...

Silent sinus syndrome: which approach offers the best outcome?

Silent sinus syndrome (SSS) is a rare condition with patients presenting as spontaneous, painless enophthalmos, hypoglobus, orbital asymmetry, and maxillary sinus collapse on the ipsilateral side. The orbital resorption occurs secondary to negative pressure created in the maxillary sinus by...

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of the Head and Neck: Current Techniques and Flap Atlas

Head and neck reconstruction continues to provide a challenge to surgeons, driving innovative approaches in free-flap surgery and a need to embrace developing technologies. This excellent text, written primarily by authors from the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas,...

Mastoid obliteration for canal wall down surgery

Surgery for acquired cholesteatoma is varied amongst surgeons with some only performing combined approach tympanoplasty. The change in lifestyle for patients with canal wall down surgery is significant and hence this group in Japan looked at 118 adult patients with...

CAD/CAM assisted mandibular reconstruction or freestyle?

The gold standard for the reconstruction of the mandible is a free bone flap and the fibula is commonly used. The fibula is a straight bone and presents considerations and difficulties in the formation of a U-shaped neo-mandible. Computer aided...

Evidence based outcomes for canal wall up, canal wall down and subsequent canal wall reconstruction for primary cholesteatoma

There has been a long standing controversy over whether to treat primary cholesteatoma with open or closed technique. The general consensus is that limited disease can be treated with closed technique whereas the canal wall down approach helps reduce recidivism...

An overview of microsurgical reconstruction of the head and neck worldwide

Microsurgical reconstruction is an integral part of the treatment following ablation for malignancy or trauma. Currently there are no clear treatment guidelines following tumour resection. This was recognised a few years ago and in 2008 various collaborative groups were founded...

Volume changes in hemiglossectomy reconstruction

This paper analyses the volume changes in 10 patients, five of whom had hemiglossectomy reconstruction with a radial forearm free flap, whilst the other five patients had reconstruction with an anterolateral thigh flap. Both groups underwent postoperative radiotherapy. The volume...

Freestyle facial artery perforator flaps for nasal reconstruction

This is an update from the authors that originally described the freestyle facial artery perforator flap for one stage nasal reconstruction in 2009. They now update with their 10-year experience of freestyle facial artery perforator flaps, accumulating a series of...

Congratulations to the 2023 OSSEO Student Investigator Scholarship Winners

Oticon Medical is delighted to announce that three of their investigator-initiated research collaborators have been awarded the prestigious Student Investigator and Early Career Scholarships sponsored by the University of Colorado School of Medicine.