You searched for "Candidacy"

248 results found

The future of audiology rehabilitation? Smartphone apps to collect real-world experiences and support clinical decision-making

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is gaining momentum in the world of connected hearing healthcare and real-world assessment. Barbra Timmer explains how EMA will play a key role in transforming the information that clinicians use in decision-making and measuring outcomes. Did...

Remote care apps: comparing the options

With much of the world in full or partial lockdown and social-distancing measures in full swing, the COVID-19 crisis has sparked renewed interest in remote teleaudiology services. Modern teleaudiology platforms, now offered by all major hearing aid brands, offer audiologists...

Reza Band<sup>®</sup> UES Assist Device

Members of the ENT and Audiology News team spoke to Rose Henrichs, Solutiones Vobis and Nick Maris, CEO and President of Somna Therapeutics about the Reza Band device. Nick Maris. Rose Henrichs. What is your involvement in Reza Band? And...

In conversation with Professor Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen

Friends for a quarter of a century, Ricard Simo and Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen caught up for a distanced chat about conferences, COVID and collaborations. Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen. I remember meeting you for the first time in Budapest at the 1995 EUFOS Meeting....

When dinosaurs ruled the earth

Optimism is abundant in medical research, but frequently ends up being tempered with reality. In his inimitable style, Chris Potter looks back over his career – starting with his medical school memories of Bentley-driving ENT consultants, and moving forward through...

Genetic research on hereditary hearing loss and clinical application in the Chinese population

Congenital deafness in China affects more people than the entire population of Australia. Prof Wang give us a comprehensive insight into one of the main congenital disabilities in China, looking into the causes of deafness and the benefits of genetic...

Consultative Selling Skills for Audiologists

I must admit that when I was first asked to review this book I tried to find excuses not to do it. The title rather put me off as whilst I am Hearing Aid Dispenser registered, I do not dispense...

How common is dysphonia and dysphagia after cardiac surgery?

Patients undergoing cardiac surgeries, such as coronary artery bypass (CABG) and valve operations, are usually informed that there may be some risk of laryngeal complications that could result in a dysphonia or dysphagia. This may be due to factors including...

AOT National Conference 2022

The 2022 Association of Otolaryngologist in Training (AOT) conference was hosted by the Thames Valley Deanery, Oxford. The two-day conference began with us punting on the beautiful River Cherwell, closely followed by picnicking on the university parks and swiftly onto...

Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Rapid Clinical and Board Review

This is a book written by a group of ENT surgeons from the Mayo Clinic, and a plastic surgeon from Colorado, and is aimed at US residents throughout their training, in particular in preparation for their board exams. As such,...

Genetic discovery using animal models: presbyacusis

By their very nature, late-onset hereditary disorders offer a large window of opportunity for therapeutic intervention. However, before we can begin to think about strategies we need knowledge of the genetics and pathology underlying the condition. In this article we...

How common is self-reported dysphagia in the general population?

Healthcare policymakers and commissioners of services often review incidence and prevalence data when deciding on resource allocation. The authors of this paper have capitalised on a large dataset, the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA), which collects data on over...