You searched for "Paris"

1107 results found

Comprehensive Management of Swallowing Disorders – Second Edition

On first glimpse this 548-page A4 book looked like it was going to be a nightmare to review, but once I started reading, I was pleasantly surprised. This is the second edition of this American book with the first edition...

Audiology: Science to Practice – Fourth Edition

Kramer and Brown have done it again with their fourth edition of Audiology: Science to Practice. This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to audiology with both clinical and practical information. This book is mainly aimed at those who are studying...

Training Devices to help volunteers do correct nasal swabs for COVID-19

Fusetec, an Australian company, manufactures fully operable, soft tissue surgical training devices that are used in FESS courses for surgical training. These devices are recommended by Professor PJ Wormald.

The future of inner ear drug delivery

The techniques for delivering drugs to the inner ear system are evolving. Jeffrey Harris considers the myths, the facts and the potential for drug delivery innovations and how they can improve tomorrow’s hearing outcomes. The inner ear’s delicate membranous structure,...

Diagnosing complications of acute mastoiditis in emergency situations

In many cases, acute mastoiditis is manageable with intravenous antibiotics and hospitalised care. However, the decision whether to intervene surgically remains crucial and reliance is based on radiological findings – CT scans for bony changes and MRI for possible intra-cerebral...

Manual of Allergy and Clinical Immunology for Otolaryngologists

As a first approach, the book impresses with the hardback cover and the glossy 442 pages. Published in March 2015, the book reflects an effort to deliver the main advances and updates of allergy and clinical immunology relevant to otolaryngology...

Epistaxis and anticoagulants

The French Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck surgery issued some recommendations on the management of epistaxis in patients receiving anticoagulants, anti-platelet aggregants and anti-vitamin K drugs. This was a national multidisciplinary evidence-based concensus document. The group recommends review of...

Wilde and the foundations of medical epidemiology

William Wilde (father of Oscar) was renowned as an otologist, but less well known for his work in epidemiology. The bedrock of the modern discipline of public health is good data collection, and we hear from our good friend, Ray...

Verbal memory and chronic speech and language disorders following stroke

Stroke is often associated with chronic language disorders like aphasia and apraxia as well as memory impairments. Studies have found that memory problems in stroke are often verbal memory disorders. This review article discusses the association between language and short-term...

Bone anchored implant stability predicted one week after implantation

Bone conduction (BC) devices can now be implanted as a single stage procedure with minimal soft tissue thinning to reduce the complications in the surrounding skin. The question of optimal loading time has to my mind not been answered. Here...

Voice and unilateral vocal fold paralysis

Voice outcomes are the main comparators when managing unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVP). In a review of the literature, 11 voice indicators are included in 80% of all articles. However, when surgeons were surveyed on their clinical preferences and their...

Medical training initiative (MTI): stepping outside the box

Medical training initiative (MTI) scheme in the UK are becoming increasingly available and are actively supported by ENT UK. Despite this, knowledge of them is limited and there can be a mismatch between supervisors and potential candidates. Our authors, Manuela...