You searched for "RSM"

96 results found

An overview of human factors in ENT and anaesthesia

James Bates and Chris Frerk are both passionate about how human factors science can improve safety in healthcare and have co-authored this article describing how communication, ergonomics and other non-technical skills are making operating theatres safer. There is no doubt...

Body self-image – the ENT perspective

Body dysmorphic disorder is a serious psychiatric condition that we all need to be aware of when contemplating aesthetic surgery. It can present in children as well as adults. Prof Vieira and Dr de Carvalho discuss the tell-tale signs and...

OBITUARY: Professor Heinz Stammberger (1946-2018)

We, at ENT & Audiology News, have just learned of the death of Professor Heinz Stammberger on 9 December. Within the global ENT community, there can be few people whose names are as well-known as his, and his loss will...

In conversation with Trevor McGill

After more than four decades of paediatric clinical practice, Trevor McGill shares his wealth of experience and knowledge with Pat Bradley. Trevor, as a national and internationally acknowledged Paediatric Oto-Rhino-Laryngologist, Head and Neck Surgeon, to what do you owe this...

What’s new in hearing aid technology? Requisites for successful implementation of eHealth in hearing health care

Like Eeyore in AA Milne’s Winnie the Pooh stories it appears we all will soon have a personal cloud, but unlike Eeyore this will be something to celebrate! The future of hearing aid technology is in the cloud argues Uwe...

TEN testing in paediatric patients

Threshold equalising noise (TEN) testing is used to identify dead regions (DRs) of the cochlear. Alexandra Lusty considers the challenges of using the TEN test in the paediatric population as well as the importance of identifying DRs. Diagnosing dead regions...

Mentally and physically safe workplaces: the challenge of doctors’ well-being

Our ENT consultant colleague Eric Levi bravely tackles the very real elephant in the room of that stigma which is not really discussed until it is often too late. It takes courage to tackle a difficult topic like doctors’ mental...

Luna tunes – the plug and play audiometer from Interacoustics

“The professional grade headset designed with screening in mind.” Interacoustics Luna – does it ‘eclipse’* the competition?* * (Although we are fans of moon-based puns, this is not to be confused with Interacoustics’ other stellar device, the Eclipse Evoked Potentials...

Pinnaplasty for prominent ears

Pinnaplasty is a challenging yet rewarding procedure for which many different techniques have been described. In this article the authors describe their favoured technique, including the important postoperative care. Prominent ears can be a source of significant psychological distress in...

Looking at musculoskeletal disorders in audiology

Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the leading cause of sickness absence from work, work disability and loss of productivity across all European Union member states. Isla Beausire is a working audiologist with a personal and professional interest in this subject...

Covid-19 Tips and insights

The following blog articles have been kindly provided by Eric Levi. For more from Eric Levi, visit COVID19 affects everyone Posted on 01/04/2020 by Eric Levi Here’s a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention looking at...

Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy / parathyroidectomy – a new approach

Historically, scarless surgery has been popular in certain cultures. But is it gaining traction around the world? A UK team tell us more. Background Alternative, remote access approaches to thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy are increasing in popularity, the newest of these...