You searched for "Trauma"

210 results found

Head and neck high dependency unit - an alternative to ITU?

Close observation of the airway is a primary requirement for patients undergoing major head and neck surgery. It is also necessary for patients with upper airway infection and trauma. Wound care, drains, feeding and analgesia also require specific attention. Whilst...

Role of cochlear implants in the management of incapacitating tinnitus in patients with unilateral hearing loss

This is an interesting paper on patients with unilateral hearing loss and incapacitating tinnitus. The present study was conducted on 23 patients who had a cochlear implant for unilateral hearing loss including patients with single sided deafness (SSD). Most of...

The search for pharmacological treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus

Where are we in our search for a hearing restoration grail? Nicola Robas leads us through the map pieces discovered in creating a pharmaceutical answer to hearing loss and tinnitus. Together, hearing loss and tinnitus affect over one in six...

Impact of outer ear problems in Northern Ethiopia: experiences of a global outreach clinic

Outer ear disease is one of the commonest reasons for attending the ENT clinic in Ethiopia, just as in the UK. Very little has been published on the experiences of ENT clinics in Ethiopia. Here Yilkal Tassew, Seid Temam and...

Acoustic shock: definitions and clinical aspects

Acoustic shock, a previously little-known and poorly understood clinical entity, came to the public’s attention in 2019 due to a high-profile legal case of a musician at the Royal Opera House. In this fascinating article, Andrew Parker and William Parker...

ENT in this issue... Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (NovDec18)

But for the clumsiness of increasing the number of letters in the acronym, ‘ENT’ would have grown to include recognition of the subspecialties of skull base surgery, facial plastic surgery and paediatric ENT surgery, of which management of ENT problems in children has seen perhaps the greatest development.

She’s On Call - @ShesOnCall

Dr Sujana Chandrasekhar and Dr Marina Kurian began a web show, She’s On Call, that had 5000 views on the first day and has had over 15,000 views after three shows. By the end of March 2020 Emergency departments and, soon, entire hospitals were overwhelmed with very sick COVID-19 patients.

Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical Scientific Meeting

The Head-and-Neck Section on the annual Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical Scientific meeting was again held as a virtual meeting via Zoom. The guest co-chair joining the regular Convenor, Professor John Fenton, was his colleague Mr Stephen Ryan from the local ORL-HNS...

Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical reference guide - Fourth Edition

This textbook, well known to North American residents, is now in its fourth edition. It has been extensively revised to include more up-to-date topics, such as robotic surgery, sleep medicine and paediatric otolaryngology. Authors Raza Pasha and Justin Golab aim...

Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery – From the Lab to the Operating Room: an Evidence-based Approach

There have been many attempts to comprehensively address the topic of ‘Rhinology’, however Georgalas and Fokkens in their new book Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery – From the lab to the operating room: an evidence-based approach, have managed to deliver...

Preoperative risk factors: when do you need to refer to the haematologist?

It is essential that clinicians are able to identify and assess which patients are in the high risk category for bleeding during ENT surgery. A full history, including medications, herbal remedies taken, any other medical co-morbidities and family history of...

Evidence based guidelines for ONS treatment in occipital neuralgia

Occipital neuralgia (ON) can flummox otolaryngologists especially when it follows mastoid surgery. The paroxysms of sharp, electrical pain originating from the occiput can extend along the posterior aspect of the scalp and even up to the mastoid. Although the aetiology...