You searched for "adult"

817 results found

Celebrating CIICA's first anniversary

It was cause for a double celebration: not only was 25 February named as International Cochlear Implant Day, but it was the first anniversary of the CI International Community of Action (CIICA).

Bright young things: executive functioning in younger, older and aphasic people

Executive function comprises several higher order cognitive processes such as planning, organisation, adaptation, maintenance, monitoring and decision making. It is thought that difficulties in cognitive flexibility in people with aphasia are associated with difficulties in executive function rather than the...

How many friends will you have after a TBI?

Friendships are key to reducing stress and improving morale and social support. Loss of friendships after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a significant impact on these areas of a person’s life. There is little in the research literature...

Relationship between early language delays and long-term outcomes

This epidemiological study from Australia, spanning 16 years, explores the influence of early language delays over time on outcomes in affected adults. Based on vocabulary skills at age five, the study population was classified into four groups: persistently good, persistently...

Screening for hearing aid fittings – an approach for primary care

Introduction The communication difficulties related to hearing loss can lead to ‘depression, social withdrawal and problems with employment and access to information sources’ [1]. Furthermore, unmanaged hearing loss is associated with dementia, a poorer quality of life, depression, anxiety and...

Deaf identity in audiology services: exploring the significance and implications

Dr Celia Hulme, a culturally Deaf * sign language user, draws from her personal experience and extensive PhD research on Deaf signers’ experiences with audiology services. *In this article, the convention of using an uppercase ‘D’ is used to denote...

Integrating technology into audiological rehabilitation programmes

In the future, the rehabilitation of adults with hearing loss is likely to involve modern information technology. Using the Internet in the audiological rehabilitation process might be a cost-effective way to include additional rehabilitation components by guiding hearing aid users...

Hearing aid outcomes in older adults: what and when to measure

What matters to older adults when purchasing a hearing aid? Larry Humes explores the domains that should be measured for this key group. This article identifies key domains of hearing aid outcome in older adults. Increasingly, third-party payers and private-pay...

Prominauris: Which surgical technique to use?

Otoplasty accounted for 3.2% of all plastic surgical interventions, and 2.6% worldwide in 2015. Patient satisfaction ranges above 95% for prominent ear correction despite the myriad of available techniques in the literature associated with highly variable outcomes. The authors split...

Consultation on cochlear implantation guidelines

A taskforce of 52 hearing experts has released Living Guidelines for hearing care.

Making audiology work during COVID-19 and beyond

‘New normal’ is another phrase that has become synonymous with this pandemic. In this article, consideration for ‘low-touch’ and ‘no touch’ audiological pathways are described for adoption as the ‘new normal’ for hearing healthcare. The COVID-19 crisis has ushered in...

Liver function assessment in glandular fever

This month’s Editors’ Choice is a systematic review of the role of liver assessment in patients with glandular fever. Admission of patients with sore throat constitutes a significant burden of acute work for paediatric and adult ENT services as well...