You searched for "adults"

664 results found

What’s new in implantable devices? New indications in cochlear implantation

For over 40 years, cochlear implant procedures have steadily increased. Outcomes for patients are improving as a result of modified surgical techniques, a wider portfolio of electrode arrays, advances in programming strategies, access to improved technology and a better understanding...

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Register for the Cochlear Science and Research Seminar “Bimodal in the Adult Population”

This Cochlear Science and Research Seminar covers the bimodal aspects in the adult population hosted by Prof. Ulrich Hoppe from Erlangen on 8th July 2021 from 14:30-16:30 CEST.

ASiT ENT Course

Introducing the first ASiT ENT pre-conference course! Why attend? This one day course will provide delegates with hands-on experience in core ENT procedural and operative skills including facial plastics, endoscopic nasal examination and the practical management of adult and paediatric...

Damage to the cochlear nucleus with electrocautery to the cochlear nerve

This study is of importance to neurotologists and neurosurgeons. It is unclear why patients with NF2 have poorer outcomes with an auditory brainstem implant compared to non-tumour patients. This effect is postulated to be due to damage to certain cells...

Listening differences in autistic individuals

In this article Erin Schafer, Lauren Mathews and Andrea Dunn outline the common auditory issues that autistic individuals face in comparison with their neurotypical peers and highlight the need to move beyond the traditional audiologic test battery when working with...

Screening for hearing aid fittings – an approach for primary care

Introduction The communication difficulties related to hearing loss can lead to ‘depression, social withdrawal and problems with employment and access to information sources’ [1]. Furthermore, unmanaged hearing loss is associated with dementia, a poorer quality of life, depression, anxiety and...

Adult speech testing in the UK

What do hearing healthcare providers see as the benefits and barriers to delivering speech testing? This article explores the latest research. Why speech testing? Speech tests have been used across ENT and audiology practice to measure an individual’s speech recognition...

Unanswered questions in adult ototoxicity associated with platinum-based chemotherapy

Do the potential side-effects on hearing and tinnitus need to be a ‘necessary evil’ of platinum-based chemotherapy? How strong is our evidence base when offering advice to patients and fellow clinicians? David Baguley and his team from the University of...

The effects of leisure noise exposure on young people’s hearing

There is growing concern regarding the effects of leisure noise exposure on young people’s auditory system. Information provided by healthcare professionals should be evidence-based; Hannah Keppler discusses some recent findings about hearing in young people. Excessive noise exposure can lead...

The role of public health in addressing age-related hearing loss

Prevention and treatment of hearing loss needs to be viewed through a public health lens, but what does that look like? Kelly Reavis and colleagues explain the steps to addressing hearing healthcare from a public health perspective and why this...

Obstructive sleep apnoea in common vestibular disorders

The importance of getting a good night’s sleep is often acknowledged but may be particularly difficult to achieve for those with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). In addition to high blood pressure, increased risk of stroke and depression, balance problems may...