You searched for "audiological"

1777 results found

Using telehealth to engage teenagers

Can we use a teenager’s love of gadgets to re-engage them with their hearing technology? Gwen Carr reports on an innovative use of telehealth to support teenagers who are no longer visiting their hearing healthcare professionals. Parents of children and...

Dead regions in patients with cochlear implants

The very nature of a dead region (DR) in a cochlea means that they are often found in patients who are eligible for cochlear implants. However, a variety of different hearing configurations are found in those with DRs because of...

Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology – Second Edition

The authors of the Comprehensive Handbook of Pediatric Audiology, as stated themselves, have striven to pen an exhaustive and academic textbook on audiology. In my view, it certainly meets their aim of being at a masters or doctoral level. However,...

Advances in auditory implants

This article provides an overview of auditory implants. Implanted auditory devices may be classified into bone conduction implants (BCI) and active middle ear implants (AMEI) that stimulate cochlear hair cells, and cochlear implants (CI) that stimulate neural structures. CIs bypass...

When should revision FESS leave you reaching for the script pad?

This very interesting work from the professorial team in London seeks to define a group of patients with CRSwNP who may benefit from early biological treatment since they are at risk of failure of surgical and conventional medical management. Approximately...

A Dictionary of Hearing

This book is aimed at students and professionals working in the fields of otology and audiology. It would be suitable for audiologists, nurses and doctors, teachers of the deaf and speech and language therapists. The price is set at £36.99,...

Making audiology work during COVID-19 and beyond

‘New normal’ is another phrase that has become synonymous with this pandemic. In this article, consideration for ‘low-touch’ and ‘no touch’ audiological pathways are described for adoption as the ‘new normal’ for hearing healthcare. The COVID-19 crisis has ushered in...

Audiology Answers for Otolaryngologists

Audiology Answers for Otolaryngologists aims to provide a grounding in audiology for otolaryngology residents and other professionals allied to audiology, who would otherwise have limited exposure to clinical audiology. It is written by senior audiologists at Washington University School of...

Hearing Aid Dispensing Training Manual

The Hearing Aid Dispensing Training Manual is primarily designed to support those sitting their State Hearing Aid Dispensing practical exams in the US. The book is easy to read, comprehensive and logical in its approach to supporting those sitting their...

What’s new in auditory processing?

Auditory processing disorder (APD) has had a controversial history, stemming mainly from lack of scientific rigor and accepted clinical definition. That situation is now changing. Driven by the huge number of people with unaddressed listening difficulties, basic discoveries in neuroscience,...

UCL Ear Institute: Paediatric Assessment

UCL Ear Education CPD courses We specialise in providing training programmes for ENT medics, audiologists and associated health-care professionals. Our courses are ENT UK (RCP), BAA and/or BSHAA accredited. Our CPD courses are delivered by our in-house experts, including world...

Medical information required with requests for CT scans of the temporal bones; a two cycle audit

It is a common experience that radiology reports on the CT scans of the temporal bones do not always reach a diagnosis. Various studies have produced differing results in that detailed information may not be necessary to help reach a...