You searched for "diagnosis"

1045 results found

Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management - Second edition

In the current NHS climate of pressure on patient throughput, offset against new technology – and plasticity - driven practice, we need to use time and skills effectively. This book is a comprehensive guide to practical applications in paediatric audiology....

Vascular Lesions of the Head and Neck: Diagnosis and Management

The primary authors, all working out of New York, have successfully published this up to date text on vascular lesions of the head and neck. The book provides a review of the pathology, basic science, radiologic features and treatment modalities....

Radiological diagnosis of mastoiditis in patients screened for acoustic neuroma

Magnetic resonance imaging is the ‘gold standard’ for screening patients suspected to have acoustic neuroma. Various abnormalities are picked up through this investigation, one of which, not uncommonly reported, is mastoiditis. This requires referral to otolaryngology and further evaluation. In...

Diagnosis and Treatment of Voice Disorders – Fourth Edition

This is one of a very few large comprehensive laryngology texts, now in its fourth edition. The editors and the various authors of the chapters are specialists with international reputations in their respective fields. In this edition, the text has...

Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology and Management – Third Edition

Our departmental library has a copy of the first edition of this text, and on the odd occasion it’s not booked out to a student, it makes a very handy reference text to dip in and out of. Having recently...

Ultrasound-guided core biopsy of neck lumps as first-line investigative modality supersedes fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of neck lumps

Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (USFNAC) when applied as initial investigation often proves non-diagnostic, the incidence being as high as 50% in a recent audit. In this study, the authors applied ultrasound-guided core biopsy (USCB) to neck lumps over 1cm...

Continue ENT Diagnosis, Safely – with Single-use SNAP, Endoscope Guide

The SNAP, Endoscope Guide ensures safe passage of a nasendoscope through a surgical mask.

Video otoscopy

The COVID-19 pandemic and challenges in offering health services at the time showed how useful telehealth services can be. One of the undoubted benefits of video otoscopy is that both images and recordings can be sent to specialists for assessments....

Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD), psychosomatic or not? The debate continues

PPPD continues to provoke debate since the diagnostic criteria emerged in 2017. This review covers two commentaries because they are best considered together: the first one, by HK and BS-U, concluded that PPPD is a psychosomatic disorder (in fact, ‘a...

Diagnostic criteria for haemodynamic orthostatic dizziness

Over the past several years, the Bárány Society has been developing an International Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD) in order to standardise diagnosis and nomenclature for both clinical and research purposes. Many in vestibular practice would be familiar with the...