You searched for "infection"

3058 results found

A therapeutic algorithm for tracheoesophageal periprosthetic leakage

Tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis leakage can be intravalvular (more common) or periprosthetic (focus of this study). The authors studied the causes of periprosthetic leakage among 115 patients attending for voice prosthesis management (1374 clinic attendances) treated between December 2014 to December...

Congenital cytomegalovirus causing deafness in children: an update

Congenital CMV is the leading non-genetic cause of sensorineural hearing loss in children. Keith Trimble draws our attention to this and gives a comprehensive guide on diagnosis and treatment. Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is common, affecting 1% of all newborns,...

Do intratympanic injections require local anaesthesia?

Intratympanic injections are becoming increasingly acceptable in the management of Meniere’s disease, tinnitus and sudden hearing loss. This is because they avoid the need for hospitalisation and can be performed as low-cost outpatient procedures. It is traditional to freeze the...

Cochlear implant electrode insertion technique

Atraumatic cochlear implant insertion techniques (so-called ‘soft surgery’) are now standard practice in most centres for all cases (no longer just for attempted hearing preservation cases). This has led to several studies examining cochlear trauma and electrode insertion force. In...

Treatment algorithm for olfactory disorders

The purpose of this paper is to review the current evidence in diagnosing olfactory disorders and suggest an algorithmic approach to patients with relevant complaints. Age-associated olfactory loss is often multifactorial and requires a careful history and physical exam. A...

Sinonasal inverting papilloma and HPV - a meta-analysis of recurrent tumours

Sinonasal inverting papilloma (SNIP) is a common benign tumour of the sinuses. Difficulty lies in the association with metachronous or synchronous SCC of the sinus and also in the complete removal of the lesions due to their anatomical location. An...

History of innovation in ENT

Innovation seems to have been in the strapline of every meeting, conference and course for the last few years. You would be forgiven for thinking it is a new a concept, but as Neil Weir beautifully details, innovation has been...

Is it necessary to put ventilation tubes at the time of surgery in children with cleft palate?

It is commonly understood that existence of a palatal cleft is associated with abnormal action of tensor veli palatini muscle. Frequent middle ear effusions therefore occur because this muscle obstructs rather than opens the Eustachian tube on yawning and swallowing,...

Steroids for vocal cord mucus retention cysts

This is an interesting paper that describes the use of intralesional steroid injections to treat vocal cord mucus retention cysts. The gold standard is microlaryngoscopy and excision of the lesion. In patients who may be unable to undergo surgery, this...

The stigma of HPV in oral cancer

The increase of oropharyngeal carcinoma (OPC) in the developed world seems to be largely caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a group of 150 DNA viruses that are common and most people will be infected at...

Congenital CMV: investigations and management in the audiology setting

Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) is the only cause of congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) for which there is a medical treatment available to prevent further hearing loss. Dr Simone Walter discusses cCMV infection, cCMV-related hearing loss, and how to facilitate their...

Button batteries – how can we reduce harm to children?

This article explores the history of button batteries and how clinicians and industries alike could reduce the harm to children following ingestion. Following ingestion, if lodged, button batteries cause an alkaline reaction leading to necrosis of mucosa. Significant oesophageal injury...