You searched for "nasal"

881 results found

Cadaveric variation of nasolacrimal duct lateral nasal wall landmarks

Twenty mid-sagittal head sections of 10 fresh frozen cadavers were studied after removal of the nasal septum. This study showed that the most anterior projection of the middle turbinate head was noted to be anterior to the nasolacrimal duct in...

Reasons for readmission up to 30 days after nasal day surgery

This paper aims to review the reasons behind readmission to hospital after day case elective sinonasal surgery up to a month postoperatively. This French tertiary institution study retrospectively reviewed the charts of 924 patients undergoing nasal day case surgery over...

Biologicals for severe chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Any use?

Recent advances and knowledge of inflammatory endotypes of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) led to introduction of biological agents such as monoclonal antibodies targeting IgE (omalizumab) and Interleukins (ILs) such as IL4R alpha (dupilumab) and IL5. The European Academy...

Are ENT surgeons better placed to perform cosmetic ear, nasal and facial procedures?

Cosmetic surgery is an essential component of plastic surgery training and is required in order to CCT. However, the training opportunities in plastic surgery in UK are limited. The current operative requirements for plastic surgery trainees are 100 procedures during...

Biologic therapies for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: a new paradigm

Surgery for nasal polyposis has evolved significantly in the last 30 years, and now the medical management may be on the cusp of a revolution. Biologics using monoclonal antibodies to target specific immune pathways have introduced a paradigm shift in...

Nasal and aural foreign body removal: another technique for a common problem

Trying to remove foreign bodies from the ears and noses of children is something we have all struggled with at various times. Many people have their own top tips, and here Oliver McLaren and Alexander Walkden describe an ingenious way...

What do we put in our nasal douches? Anything?

The rise of the popularity of saline nasal douches, with several commercial preparations available, may be a rediscovery of an age-old tradition, but it has been shown to benefit patients. The question then arises as to whether this can be...

A brief history of adenoidectomy - a glowing report of the post nasal space

The traditional adenoid curette more closely resembles a medieval torture device than an instrument of cure. Therefore it is not much of a surprise to learn that it has changed little since its invention almost 150 years ago. During that...

NoseFit® Thermoplastic External Nasal Splint

NoseFit® is a rigid, yet lightweight external nasal splint that optimizes the stabilization and recovery of the nose following sports injuries, accidents, surgeries, and other conditions requiring immobilisation and protection. Its ergonomic design ensures a comfortable fit, making it suitable...

Systemic steroid therapy for reduction of macrophage migration inhibition factor in the control of nasal polyposis

It is believed that macrophage migration inhibitory factor mediates inflammation by stimulating the release of other pro-inflammatory cytokines. The use of systemic steroids in control of nasal polyposis is an established treatment. In this study the authors have aimed at...

Looking for a cost-effective product for post-operative bleeding? Try NETCELL® PVA Nasal Packs

Carefully constructed using exclusive NETCELL® PVA sponge, the ultra-soft surface improves patient comfort and reduces trauma.

Nasal steroids do not cause ocular problems

This excellent, high quality and detailed systematic review from Australia dispels the myth propagated recently by some poorly designed studies that intranasal corticosteroids cause intraocular problems. A 40 year review of the usual databases found 665 articles and 19 were...