You searched for "orbit"

112 results found

Microsurgical and Endoscopic Approaches to the Skull Base

This is a comprehensive book which covers both microsurgical and endoscopic techniques. The introductory section focuses on setup for microsurgical and endoscopic techniques, with images to support this. A detailed description of instruments is also provided, which would be extremely...

Assessment of genetic disorders: congenital sensorineural hearing loss

Severe or profound sensorineural hearing impairment (SNHI) is a common birth defect, affecting approximately 1 in 1000 newborns [1]. SNHI may result from environmental causes or have a genetic basis. The genetic causes can be further subdivided into non-syndromic (isolated...

The drive for success: from the hockey pitch to the surgical field

A hockey ball is rock hard and can travel at 100 mph. Stopping it with your most vulnerable body parts seems an excellent metaphor for higher surgical training... Four years on from the 2012 Olympics presents an ideal time to...

Setting up a robotic surgical practice: view from India

Transoral robotic surgery has an established role in head and neck cancer surgery. But how easy is it to set up a service in a resource-constrained environment? Gouri Pantvaidya and Ameya Pai give us a view from the Indian subcontinent....

Hyperacusis-related distress and comorbid psychiatric illness

Research suggests that over 50% of patients presenting with hyperacusis also present with some form of psychiatric disorder. With this in mind, Dr Aazh outlines what tools clinicians can use to screen for psychological disorders and what path to take...

Adult hearing screenings has counselling opportunities

Adult hearing screening has its challenges, particularly time constraints. Because the process itself is brief, we could efficiently screen dozens of adults per hour; at events such as health fairs, it’s tempting to march people through screenings as quickly as...

Tackling equivalence in audiology

Ros Parker talks about her experience of going through the Scientist Training Programme (STP) equivalence process to register as a clinical scientist with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). She also provides some tips for applying. Professional background After...

Migraine related vertigo

Migraine is one of the commonest conditions an otologist will have to manage with up to half of migraineurs displaying vestibular symptoms. David Selvadurai provides an overview and management plan for this increasingly well recognised disorder. Migraine is a common...

The development of endoscopic sinus surgery – a meeting of three great minds

The story of the development of endoscopic sinus surgery is inextricably linked with the names of Stammberger, Messerklinger and Storz. Karl Storz’s daughter, Sybill Storz, tells us more. We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation of...

From aaargh to zzzzz: the ABC of paediatric anaesthesia

Andrew McTavish is one of those special breeds who not only relishes complex anaesthesia, but also does so in paediatric patients. Dealing with this group of patients requires careful planning according to accepted practice, and here he discusses some recent...

A sound change: transitioning hearing healthcare to net-zero

Grassroot initiatives are often the most effective. When individuals come together and work with industry, changes are possible in reducing carbon emissions. This article summarises such an initiative working with companies to address Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Corporate...

Current management of facial fractures in the preadolescent

This article reviews the trends in management of preadolescent facial fractures – a challenging population due to the need to consider growth, dynamic changes in dentition, and evolving fracture patterns. In summary, conservative management is preferred in all fractures in...