You searched for "registrar"

704 results found

Lessons learned from running a national thyroid surgery registry

The UK Registry of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgery is now yielding the rewards of meticulous data collection and years of hard work. David Scott-Coombes discusses the advantages and the unintended consequences of their success. The British Association of Endocrine and...

The Airway Intervention Registry: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (AIR: RRP) data collection

Laryngeal papillomatosis remains a frustratingly difficult condition to treat. Adam Donne and Steven Powell tells us about a collaborative project aiming to enhance patient care. The first UK Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis registry opened in April 2018 through the AIR (Airway...

The TWJ Foundation internationally

The TWJ Foundation offers annual overseas major clinical fellowships in otology, neurotology and lateral skull-base surgery.

Rhinology and Allergy: Clinical Reference Guide

This pocket-sized book aims to provide a clinical reference guide through a series of review chapters. The editors, Brent A Senior and Yvonne Chan, have produced a comprehensive text through the work of predominantly North American and Canadian co-authors of...

JLO surgical video: right selective neck dissection levels 2-5

Surgical training has become more challenging following the introduction of the European Working Time Directive. The consequences of reducing the amount of time we operate has driven us to look for other resources to fill this gap. These initially began...

MATTU: Guildford Sinus and Skull-Base Surgery Course

A 3 day hands on suns and skull base dissection course for senior trainees and consultants using fresh frozen cadaveric specimens. The course will comprise a series of lectures with much of the time devoted to lab dissection. There will...

Securing the future of ENT in the UK

A career in otolaryngology is fascinating, fulfilling and fun, but how do we convince our potential successors? Jay Doshi, Asad Qayyum, Bradley Storey and Tom Milner outline the fantastic efforts to showcase ENT throughout the UK. Student and foundation doctors...

VITASPARK - a career counselling service with a difference!

Focusing on the needs of today’s surgical trainees, Vitaspark has been created and curated by Aishan Patil, a Scottish surgical SpR, ably assisted by his colleague, Soorya Siva (orthopaedic SpR).

Northern ENT ST3 Bootcamp 2022

Delegates performing paediatric tracheostomies under consultant supervision. The Northern ENT ST3 Bootcamp got the training year off to an exciting start for the next generation of ENT registrars. The Bridge Community Church in Leeds hosted delegates for two days (1-2...

Medical training initiative (MTI): stepping outside the box

Medical training initiative (MTI) scheme in the UK are becoming increasingly available and are actively supported by ENT UK. Despite this, knowledge of them is limited and there can be a mismatch between supervisors and potential candidates. Our authors, Manuela...

The experience of being a new ENT SHO

In this article, Matt Donachie shares insights on the daunting yet enjoyable experience of starting as an ENT junior doctor, offering valuable advice. Starting your first job as a junior doctor in any specialty in the UK can be a...

Work and the risk and carcinoma of the larynx

This is a census on the national cancer registry in France to detect professions at a higher risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. During the period 2001-2016 there were 244 registered cases of cancer of the larynx. Amongst...