You searched for "reinnervation"

2710 results found

Fifteen years of vestibular implant research in humans

Implants: it’s all in the balance! Prof Guyot and his team give us an update on their research in addressing bilateral vestibular deficits via an implant. Doctors are often unaware that people, even young, may lose vestibular function on both...

Mucormycosis: In conversation with Dr Deepak Haldipur and Dr Aditya Moorthy

COVID-19 has ravaged the world in the past 18 months. The second wave in many countries was deadlier than the first. Mucormycosis, infamously labelled ‘the black fungus’ has affected some countries, such as India, in epidemic proportions within this COVID...

4th Otology Fellows Congress and Advanced Course in Ear & Skull Base Surgery

Report by: Eveline Tasca Rodrigues, MD Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The 4th International Annual Otology Fellows Congress and Advanced Course in Otology and Skull Base Surgery filled so many blank spaces in my career that I feel honoured to...

Screening: evaluating the outcomes of early intervention

Newborn hearing screening is now the accepted standard of care in several countries, and is becoming increasingly more established worldwide. White [1] reported eight countries screening over 90% of newborns, ten screening between 25-89% of births and a further 54...

Pursuing part-time postgraduate qualifications

Thinking of going back to university to do further study? We hear from one audiologist who identified an area of further study and specialisation and took the leap. My career in audiology began in 2003 through a traditional route in...

What is in the Fountain of Youth?

Does the auditory system have to age? Can we become more like turtles or jellyfish and keep our internals running without degradation? This essay considers the theoretical underpinnings of biological processes in the cochlear, in particular the role of the...

Remembering how to speak

Reminiscence therapy (RT) is an approach that provides people with dementia opportunities to recount nostalgic memories and access thoughts for communication. It is one of the most commonly used therapies in aged care settings. The aim of RT is to...

Dirty Work

Gabriel Weston’s new novel chronicles four traumatic weeks in the life of its narrator, Dr Nancy Mullion. Nancy is a young trainee in obstetrics and gynaecology, the subject of a General Medical Council (GMC) investigation into her clinical performance following...

Endoscope assisted removal of jugular foramen schwannomas

This article, written by a renowned surgeon with extensive experience in removal of jugular foramen and skull base lesions, describes a new classification for jugular foramen schwannomas (JFS) and a template for selection of surgical approach for endoscope assisted removal....

Tricky post-laryngectomy swallows

Despite improvements in chemoradiation therapy and the adoption of organ preservation for some head and neck cancers, total laryngectomy remains the treatment often providing best survival chances for advanced laryngeal cancer. This article reviews the causes of dysphagia post-laryngectomy and...

Thyroid cancer: to dissect the neck or not?

This is a good review of the much-debated management of the neck in thyroid cancer. It discusses oncological goals that must be achieved whilst maintaining voice, swallowing and parathyroid function. A clear description is made of the common nodal basins...

Should we be utilising the pre-lacrimal approach for maxillary sinus inverted papilloma?

For some time now, gold standard management of the maxillary sinus inverted papilloma has been endoscopic medial maxillectomy (EMM). Recently the endoscopic prelacrimal recess approach (EPLRA) has been reported to provide good access whilst preserving the nasolacrimal duct and inferior...