You searched for "research"

2052 results found

Jameel Muzaffar, Anne Schilder and James O’Hara

In a follow-up to the interview with Anne Schilder back in 2016*, Jameel Muzaffar speaks to Anne and to James O’Hara about the current research landscape in ENT in the UK. *Banerjee A. In conversation with Professor Anne Schilder. ENT...

Jameel Muzaffar, Anne Schilder and James O’Hara

In a follow-up to the interview with Anne Schilder back in 2016*, Jameel Muzaffar speaks to Anne and to James O’Hara about the current research landscape in ENT in the UK. *Banerjee A. In conversation with Professor Anne Schilder. ENT...

In conversation with David Baguley

A reflective discussion with a scientist-practitioner in tinnitus David Baguley has worked in audiology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital since 1985, becoming the Consultant Clinical Scientist in 1989. In 2006, David received an International Award in Hearing from the American Academy of...

Harnessing technology for the benefit of children with significant communication difficulties

This article describes future needs in provision and research in the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) aids for children with significant communication difficulties. The authors highlight the needs of users and the opportunities that technology could provide in...

Teenagers with misophonia

Misophonia can be a distressing condition for teenagers and can have devastating effects upon their home and school lives. There is little research in this area and, as Lucy Partridge explains, more is greatly needed in order to identify interventions...

The cochlear implant clinic multidisciplinary team meeting

The world’s first cochlear implant clinic was in Melbourne, where multichannel devices were designed by Graeme Clark at the beginning of the cochlear implant era. We are fortunate to hear from Claire Iseli and Rob Briggs, surgeon members of this...

Professor Hugh Montgomery

BACO International 2018 has some truly astonishing speakers, but perhaps none more astonishing than Hugh Montgomery. His friend and colleague David Howard chatted with him about some of his diverse interests. Prof Hugh Montgomery. Prof Hugh Montgomery will be giving...

Neuroimaging WG3. Neuroimaging as a window on the heterogeneity of tinnitus

Pim van Dijk and Sven Vanneste describe the hope that brain imaging techniques used for research will provide a better understanding of the heterogeneity of tinnitus through large-scale analysis. Their project will create a procedure whereby researchers can submit their...

Loudness in non-organic hearing loss

Non-organic hearing loss has been of interest to researchers for a long time. In this study the authors compared a loudness rating measured in relation to the sound level for 1000 Hz in normal hearing patients and patients diagnosed with...

Therapeutic alliance: more than the ‘nice person’ effect

Therapeutic relationship is considered a key component of many healthcare interventions, including speech and language therapy. Yet definitions and descriptions of what this concept comprises are ambiguous and sparse. This scoping review used the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines to guide...

Planning for end of life care: is there a role for the speech and language therapist?

This article presents a scoping review of the research literature on the role of speech and language therapists in palliative care settings. The researchers conducted a search using several electronic databases focusing on palliative, terminal and end of life (EOL)...

Nothing about us without us: a how-to guide

Participatory design is an approach that is built around collaboration with users through a process of coproduction, design and creation. Most interventions are designed with the expert clinician researcher as the starting point, who looks at theory, evidence and their...