You searched for "stress"

591 results found

Questionnaires to measure tinnitus severity

The handicap associated with tinnitus can arise from any combination of stress, anxiety, depression, emotional distress, insomnia, difficulties concentrating, or impairments in quality of life or everyday functioning. Measuring such handicap and determining clinical need is therefore far from trivial....

Omalizumab for CRSwNP: a monoclonal antibody

A prospective study from London, evaluating the response of chronic rhinosinusitis patients with nasal polyposis who were being treated with monoclonal antibody against IgE for severe allergic asthma. Thirteen patients were treated with Omalizumab, according to UK guidelines for their...

On the influence of sex on tinnitus burden and its phenotypes

One important aspect of the new paradigm in tinnitus research is to question basic assumptions. What associations does the sex of a person have with their experience of and reaction to tinnitus? Chris Cederroth raises the question and tells us...

Tunity: TV streaming using your phone

Modern advancements in hearing aid technology have helped hearing aid users to hear better in difficult situations. One of these advancements has been wireless technology and accessories, some of which help when hearing aids can’t by bringing the user closer...

New Widex Study On Fractal Sound Stimulation in Hearing Aids Shows Positive Effects for Tinnitus Treatment and Overall Well-Being

Widex USA Inc. has published preliminary results of an ongoing study that validates the use of fractal sound stimulation, specifically new Widex SoundRelax tones, in treating tinnitus and supporting relaxation, concentration and well-being for all Widex wearers.

In conversation with Miss Sujata De: Chair of the ESPO 2023 Local Programme Committee

Su De is one of the UK’s most prominent paediatric ORL surgeons, and has a leading role in planning ESPO 2023. Hannah Emerson caught up with Su recently to explore some of her thoughts and her plans for ESPO. You’ve...

Hyperacusis-related distress and comorbid psychiatric illness

Research suggests that over 50% of patients presenting with hyperacusis also present with some form of psychiatric disorder. With this in mind, Dr Aazh outlines what tools clinicians can use to screen for psychological disorders and what path to take...

The golden nose – reshaping the nose 100 years ago

Wolf Lűbbers (with the golden nose). Who with a crooked nose would not embrace the chance to go to bed in the evening wearing a surgical device and wake up the following morning with a straight one? And all this...

Electrocochleography and cochlear implants programming

Cochlear implants (CIs) often are the only option for people with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss to be able to hear. Therefore, effective CI programming seems very important, especially in children who are still developing their speech. Using acoustic...

PPPD - the problem with the label

The recently described diagnostic entity of persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) has its merits regarding guiding intervention and treatment, but the label itself can be problematic for patients. This study was designed to determine the views of patients of the...

Diagnostic criteria for haemodynamic orthostatic dizziness

Over the past several years, the Bárány Society has been developing an International Classification of Vestibular Disorders (ICVD) in order to standardise diagnosis and nomenclature for both clinical and research purposes. Many in vestibular practice would be familiar with the...

What we need to know about the new frontier of inner ear therapies

This is an interesting and topical review of the emerging biotechnology and pharmaceutical solutions for hearing loss and related conditions such as tinnitus. This paper suggests we are on the cusp of a very large step-change in the way we...