You searched for "treatment"

2210 results found

Audiology Treatment

This book brings a great new comprehensive text to audiologists. It is readable, despite most chapters being written by different authors. Dr Galster has edited a collection of chapters from experts in their field into something that is comprehensive, totally...

Pharmacologic treatment options for tinnitus

This article summarises potential medications that could be used to treat tinnitus and the evidence behind their use. Effective medications to eliminate tinnitus remain elusive but treatment could be divided into two broad categories: treatment to reduce perception of tinnitus...

Treatment algorithm for olfactory disorders

The purpose of this paper is to review the current evidence in diagnosing olfactory disorders and suggest an algorithmic approach to patients with relevant complaints. Age-associated olfactory loss is often multifactorial and requires a careful history and physical exam. A...

A new treatment for chronic rhinitis

The review paper looks at the efficacy of cryoablation of the posterior nasal nerve (PNN) to treat chronic rhinitis, an increasingly popular method of treating a highly prevalent and morbidity-inducing disease. Five studies were included in the meta-analysis, all dating...

A new treatment for smell loss?

It has been well established that smell training can be effective in the recovery of smell function post Covid-19 infection, and many other treatment modalities have been assessed. There have been limited studies to date evaluating the effects of dietary...

Loneliness and hearing loss treatment

It is well-known that hearing loss can lead to social isolation and consequent loneliness. This study aimed to research whether hearing loss treatment helps in overcoming loneliness long-term. Two types of treatment - hearing aids (HA) and cochlear implants (CI)...

A new treatment for septal perforations?

Nasal septal perorations are notoriously difficult to close surgically and can be extremely symptomatic and debilitating for the patient. This paper describes the use of carvacrol (a monoterpene phenol of the family Lamiacaea which is often found in essential oils)....

Treatment of olfactory dysfunction

The sense of smell is crucial to our being able to relish food and experience our environment. Olfactory dysfunction has been trivialised or ignored previously, but the negative consequences of the loss of sense of smell are being increasingly highlighted....

Plunging new depths for the treatment of ranulas

Within our scope of practice, we encounter a number of salivary gland pathologies, including the sublingual gland. Clinical signs are often subtle, and even with meticulous surgical management, morbidity can easily occur. Textbooks advocate excision of the gland as the...

Recurrent respiratory papilloma treatment in the office

In this interesting new article, Markus Hess and Susanne Fleischer describe their technique for managing recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in an outpatient setting using channelled endoscopes. The recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) of the larynx is a chronic HPV-associated viral disease. Clinical...

Voice therapy is an effective treatment for presbyphonia

The quality of an individual’s voice often declines with age. This deterioration occurs firstly as a result of vocal fold atrophy secondary to histologic alteration of the vocal fold mucosa as well as atrophy of the laryngeal musculature. Phonatory efficiency...

Mitomycin in adjuvant treatment of laryngotracheal stenosis

Laryngotracheal stenosis (LTR) is a difficult condition to manage, and the effectiveness of surgical treatment is limited by the tendency of scar tissue to reform. Mitomycin has been used as a controversial adjuvant to surgical treatment for many years. Drawbacks...