Endoscopic DCR

In this interesting article, our experienced colleagues describe their favoured technique for performing endoscopic DCR and share with us the key steps for a successful outcome. Dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) was historically performed by ophthalmologists for nasolacrimal obstruction using external techniques. The...

Recurrent respiratory papilloma treatment in the office

In this interesting new article, Markus Hess and Susanne Fleischer describe their technique for managing recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis in an outpatient setting using channelled endoscopes. The recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) of the larynx is a chronic HPV-associated viral disease. Clinical...

Endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy for bilateral vocal cord paralysis in neonates

We are delighted to publish a further update on the use of the technique for vocal fold lateralisation in neonates from Laszlo Rovo and Shahram Madani, who have previously informed us of this new technique [1]. These cases are rare...

Botulinum toxin injection in spasmodic dysphonia

Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare neurological voice disorder, which is often missed by the inexperienced ear. There is no laboratory test or investigation to diagnose this condition therefore, it is best diagnosed by listening to the patient’s voice. Laryngeal endoscopy...

Nasal septal perforation repair

Nasal septal perforation repair has traditionally been a great challenge. Many surgical techniques are described, however the success rate of closure has often been poor. Experience from the use of pedicled vascularised mucosal flaps in skull base surgery has been...

A quick and simple approach to correcting the deviated nasal septum

Nasal septal surgery is a very common procedure that we tend to learn as junior trainees. Most of us still find that we have a lot to learn with every deviated septum that we encounter. There is a range of...