This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
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Essentials of Modern Hearing Aids - Selection, Fitting, Verification

In the preface to this book, the authors state that the purpose of the book is to take “a student through the entire hearing aid process from beginning to end in a logical and clinically applicable manner”. The book eschews...

Speech Mapping and Probe Microphone Measurements

Consisting of seven chapters, 300 pages, numerous graphs and images, alongside a host of ‘tips and tricks, ‘clinical concepts, and ‘points to ponder’, you will be hard-pressed to find a more detailed, thorough discussion of all things related to probe...

Otoacoustic Emissions: Principles, Procedures, and Protocols – Second Edition

This book is aimed at clinicians who are likely to use otoacoustic emission (OAE) testing in a clinical setting, who want to upgrade their learning and improve their skills. I feel this book is ideal for its target audience. Especially...

Acoustic Immittance Measures: Basic and Advanced Practice

Writing a short yet comprehensive textbook to explore the vast and developing field of acoustic immittance measures seems like a challenge. This book aims to explore the core concepts behind immittance testing and provide an update on recent developments within...

Binaural Interference: A Guide for Audiologists

This book details what binaural interference is, it looks at the basic principles of this topic and follows the research over the years that has gone into investigating what causes binaural interference. It makes for an interesting read, covering a...

Audiology Treatment

This book brings a great new comprehensive text to audiologists. It is readable, despite most chapters being written by different authors. Dr Galster has edited a collection of chapters from experts in their field into something that is comprehensive, totally...

Vestibular Lab Manual – Second Edition

This book provides an up-to date, succinct overview of diagnostic and rehabilitative vestibular audiology, inclusive of new diagnostic techniques. It is aimed at lab instructors, students, and clinicians working in a vestibular/balance assessment and/or rehabilitation setting, focusing on content to...

The Auditory System: Anatomy, Physiology and Clinical Correlates: Second Edition

This book details the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, with well-balanced coverage of the peripheral and central nervous systems, and an emphasis on clinical applications of the scientific theory. The clinical correlates make for very interesting reading, often...

Introduction to Sound - Acoustics for the Hearing and Speech Sciences Fourth Edition

The purpose of the text, now in its fourth edition, is to teach acoustics to those in the hearing and speech sciences. This can be a difficult goal because most students and clinicians do not have a physics background, so...

Audiology Answers for Otolaryngologists

Audiology Answers for Otolaryngologists aims to provide a grounding in audiology for otolaryngology residents and other professionals allied to audiology, who would otherwise have limited exposure to clinical audiology. It is written by senior audiologists at Washington University School of...

Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation

This book is Vol. 81 of a series - Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - of which there are three current volumes: Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis, Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders, and Advances in Hearing Rehabilitation. A fourth volume on Vestibular Disorders is imminent....

Hyperacusis and Disorders of Sound Intolerance: Clinical and Research Perspectives

Hyperacusis and other forms of decreased sound tolerance (DST) is an area that many ENT/audiological colleagues would deem as ‘woolly’. This is due to a lack of understanding behind the mechanism of the symptoms, a lack of evidence-based assessment tools...