You searched for "adenoma"

89 results found

Transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy / parathyroidectomy – a new approach

Historically, scarless surgery has been popular in certain cultures. But is it gaining traction around the world? A UK team tell us more. Background Alternative, remote access approaches to thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy are increasing in popularity, the newest of these...

Paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea

As tonsillectomy rates for recurrent sore throats have declined, there has been increasing recognition of the importance of OSA in children. Not always diagnosed early – or in some cases at all – and with continuing debate as to how...

Clinical Practice Guideline on Tympanostomy Tube in Children Update (AAO-HNS)

The American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation’s ‘Clinical Practice Guideline: Tympanostomy Tubes in Children (Update)’ has been recently published - an update of the original 2013 guideline. This article forms an executive summary to accompany the full guideline....

Adenotonsillectomy can improve ADHD and nocturnal enuresis

The link between chronic adenotonsillar hypertrophy (CAH) and behavioural disturbance is well recognised. Several studies have found that CAH has been associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and treatment of CAH may diminish symptoms of ADHD in a subset...

Thyroid ultrasound elastography: does nodule stiffness predict malignancy?

Approximately 50% of the general population has a thyroid nodule while 5-15% of these are malignant [1]. A major challenge, therefore, is how to detect the malignant nodules for appropriate, timely treatment and avoid unnecessary, costly investigations for the remainder....

Prognostic factors for myringoplasty

This retrospective study looked at the factors that were associated with a higher success rate for tympanic membrane perforation closure. The authors looked at 247 procedures. They compared the results of temporalis fascia versus tragal cartilage. The cartilage grafts had...

The Impact of sleep endoscopy for paediatric obstructive sleep-disordered breathing

Paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is not always resolved or improved with adenotonsillectomy. Persistent or complex cases of paediatric OSA may be due to sites of obstruction in the airway other than the tonsils and adenoids. Investigation of paediatric obstructive...

What to do if adenotonsillectomy does not cure sleep apnoea in children?

This article reviews the management of children with persistent obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) following adenotonsillectomy (AT). Risk factors for patients to have persistent disease include obesity, being Afro-Caribbean and existing co-morbidities such as craniofacial and neuromuscular disorders. Initial assessment of...

The snotty child?

This article is interesting for those of us who see children regularly in secondary care but rarely see them with chronic rhinosinusitis. The authors remind the reader of the EPOS guidelines for diagnosis of CRS in children: two or more...

World Hearing Day 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced the theme of the next World Hearing Day.

In conversation with Harvey Coates

Indigenous health would remain a Cinderella part of our speciality were it not for the work of a few outstanding pioneers. Kelvin Kong speaks to one of them: Professor Harvey Coates AO. Harvey Coates is a paediatric otolaryngologist and clinical...

World Hearing Day – country by country

Hundreds of events took place to mark World Hearing Day on 3 March – the date selected because 3.3 resembles the shape of our two ears.