You searched for "endoscope"

748 results found

Sialendoscopy assisted excision of parotid stones

This is a retrospective paper from China that looks to assess the efficacy and safety of sialendoscopy with a combined transoral or transcutaneous approach for the removal of parotid stones. Sialolithiasis is known to be a cause for obstructive parotid...

The GP and the ear

General practitioners are the first members of the medical community to deal with ear problems. In this survey, 11 GPs examined 124 patients using a regular otoscope and a video-otoscope and reported their findings in a 10-item table. The same...

Video otology tutorials: how EES changes the game

High definition endoscopic ear surgery (EES) redefines traditional middle ear anatomical perspectives. The surgeon can observe in situ anatomical relationships with angled objectives in a way that the traditional microscopic view, with step-wise removal of structures is unable to achieve....

Differing types of pharyngeal pouch

This article raised an eyebrow on the grounds that apparently more than one type of pharyngeal pouch exists! They differ in terms of aetiology, site and approach to treatment, therefore awareness of them is advised to ensure the appropriate surgical...

Surgical anatomy for central auditory device implantation

This cadaveric study by researchers in the USA and Japan examined the cerebellopontine angles with the aid of the surgical microscope and 45o endoscope via the retrosigmoid and translabyrinthine approach. Using fibre dissection technique, the ascending auditory pathways between the...

COVID-19 and medical practice

The pandemic has deeply affected all types of medical and surgical practice and even publications. In this issue, the lead article was on the French consensus on ENT practice during the pandemic. In ENT practice, both patients and health workers...

Biologicals for severe chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Any use?

Recent advances and knowledge of inflammatory endotypes of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) led to introduction of biological agents such as monoclonal antibodies targeting IgE (omalizumab) and Interleukins (ILs) such as IL4R alpha (dupilumab) and IL5. The European Academy...

Endoscopic CSF leak repair using nasoseptal flap

Many of us during training or in established practice will have encountered the complication of anterior skull base CSF leak. This can be a challenging problem to deal with and in this article the authors describe their favoured approach. Cerebrospinal...

Diagnosis, wearables and remote monitoring in 15 and 50 years

In 2069 will we look forward to being enslaved by robots, becoming zombies or having our health (and ill health) diagnosed by nanotech? Ajith George muses over what the future holds for us all. The future of healthcare, not just...

CO2 Laser Dohlmans: Does It Still Have A Role In Pharyngeal Pouch Management?

Background The commonest active management of a pharyngeal pouch is the division of the “interparty” wall using a stapling device [1, 2]. The technique is relatively straight forward to perform and theoretically should have less complications than other techniques such...

What’s new in laryngology: the next 10 years!

At a time of unprecedented technological advances, Taran Tatla and Jonathan Fishman gaze into the laryngological crystal ball… Introduction The recent explosion in science, technology and innovation takes us into a new era, with the opportunity and capability to transform...

DISE as a rationalising tool for sleep apnoea surgery

This retrospective study on 85 adult obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients provides further interesting information for sleep surgeons. These patients were all investigated with polysomnography (PSG) and drug induced sleep endoscopy (DISE). They all then underwent a simple uvulopalatoplasty with...