You searched for "microscope"

374 results found

ReSound One´s technology now available in Portugal

The Portuguese company, AudiçãoActiva, has recently launched the new Resound One in its network of shops.

Present and future in myringoplasty

Tympanic membrane perforations are a common finding in ENT practice. Whilst watchful waiting or formal tympanoplasty are standard options – wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a low cost, safe, in-clinic option to immediately help patients (I hear you...

In conversation with Vinidh Paleri, BACO International 2018 Academic Committee Lead

Vin Paleri has a central role in BACO International 2018 as the lead of the Academic Committee. Declan Costello caught up with him to discuss the role, and the most academically exciting aspects of the meeting. What is the international...

Face to Face – facial reconstructive surgery mission in Ukraine

Face to Face is a humanitarian project to help those who have suffered facial trauma as a result of Russia's war against Ukraine.

Finding the right balance: remote dizzy patient consultation during a pandemic

During the COVID pandemic, all our working patterns have changed. One significant impact had been on the management of outpatient consultations and the increase in telephone consultations and enhanced vetting. In this article the authors share their experience of managing...

CROS hearing aids existed 10 years before they were even invented!

We all know the principles of CROS aids and the potential benefits they provide to patients, but did you know they were invented many years before they were officially described in literature? In this engaging article, Neil Bauman explains how...

John Russell’s invitation to the 7th Congress of European ORL-HNS

In his invitation to attend, Congress President John Russell celebrates the confederation’s role in providing one voice for otorhinolaryngology – head and neck surgery in Europe and beyond.

The 6th scientific-practical conference of otorhinolaryngologists and audiologists of FMBA Russia

Report By: Dr Konstantin Dobretsov, FMBA, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, Prof Hesham Negm Cairo University, Egypt. The 6th scientific-practical conference of otorhinolaryngologists and audiologists of FMBA Russia with international participation was opened by Professor J Nakatis, President of the conference and the...

Can we prevent chronic rhinosinusitis?

The old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ is considered by Professor Hopkins in respect to chronic rhinosinusitis, a condition affecting around 10% of the adult population and associated with huge impact on quality of life and economic cost. A...

Across the pond: a tale of two fellowships

Where in the world is Halifax? Many outside of Canada have never heard of the Maritime Canadian town of Halifax. Before leaving to start a year-long fellowship there, we both had to answer many questions from family and friends about...

Medical and surgical management of performing vocalists

Dr Steven Zeitels is widely recognised as the foremost laryngologist of his generation. He has been at the forefront of innovation for 25 years, and has treated innumerable high-profile singers, most recently Sam Smith and Adele. Here, he gives us...

Compression for Clinicians: A Compass for Hearing Aid Fittings

This book aims to make the sometimes difficult-to-understand theories more understandable. The author achieves this in an engaging and often amusing way; you can never have too many song lyrics in a book to help the reader understand the wider...