You searched for "music"

590 results found

“Oh Manchester is Wonderful”...And other chants you might hear from the football stands or at BACO

Chris Potter is a lad of the North West, and we see him here letting his bleach blond hair grow out to show us his Northern roots. When I was a lad, Manchester was a troubled city in apparent terminal...

ESPO 2023

Emma Gosnell, Otolaryngology Specialty Trainee, Health Education North West, UK, and Hannah Emerson, ENT Registrar, Alder Hey Hospital, UK. After a five-year hiatus in face-to-face conferences, Liverpool welcomed over 1000 delegates from over 70 countries for the 16th Congress of...

Mindfulness meditation: how personal experience of managing severe pain contributes to understanding tinnitus management

In this interesting article the author describes the potential benefit of mindfulness in the management of tinnitus, using a case report to illustrate this.This may well be an additional direction we can suggest for our patients. Mindfulness is a word...

Technological advances in hearing aids and their significance for people with hearing loss during a period of more than 100 years

Over a century of progress in hearing aid technology has transformed the lives of those with hearing impairments. From the bulky, conspicuous devices of the past, to today’s sleek, AI-powered solutions, this article explores the three key eras of development....

Panos Dimitriadis: my experience of the CEORL-HNS

Many of us are invited to ENT conferences throughout the year and, as a trainee, it can sometimes be difficult to decide on which ones will be suitable for our stage in training. In this article, Amir Habeeb interviews Panos...

Deaf identity in audiology services: exploring the significance and implications

Dr Celia Hulme, a culturally Deaf * sign language user, draws from her personal experience and extensive PhD research on Deaf signers’ experiences with audiology services. *In this article, the convention of using an uppercase ‘D’ is used to denote...

Panos Dimitriadis: my experience of the CEORL-HNS

Many of us are invited to ENT conferences throughout the year and, as a trainee, it can sometimes be difficult to decide on which ones will be suitable for our stage in training. In this article, Amir Habeeb interviews Panos...

Redeployment of audiologists during COVID-19

As the demand on intensive therapy units in the NHS increased, volunteers from the audiology profession stepped in to support colleagues. Here, they share their experiences of caring on the frontline. Redefining normal: from outpatients to the ICU By Emilee...

Improving cochlear-implant performance in the short- and medium-term

Can bespoke cochlear implant programming strategies reduce the variability seen in patient performance with an implant? Bob Carlyon reviews the current situation and gives us a glimpse of the future. Although many cochlear implant (CI) patients understand speech well in...

What’s new in auditory processing?

Auditory processing disorder (APD) has had a controversial history, stemming mainly from lack of scientific rigor and accepted clinical definition. That situation is now changing. Driven by the huge number of people with unaddressed listening difficulties, basic discoveries in neuroscience,...

In conversation with Jane Lea: the journey from athlete to surgeon

Dr Jane Lea is a clinical professor and fellowship director of otology and neurotology at the University of British Columbia. Prior to becoming a doctor, Jane was a semi-professional footballer and represented Canada. As a result of three knee operations,...

In conversation with Jane Lea: the journey from athlete to surgeon

Dr Jane Lea is a clinical professor and fellowship director of otology and neurotology at the University of British Columbia. Prior to becoming a doctor, Jane was a semi-professional footballer and represented Canada. As a result of three knee operations,...