You searched for "nanotechnology"

589 results found

Diagnosis, wearables and remote monitoring in 15 and 50 years

In 2069 will we look forward to being enslaved by robots, becoming zombies or having our health (and ill health) diagnosed by nanotech? Ajith George muses over what the future holds for us all. The future of healthcare, not just...

What’s new in laryngology: the next 10 years!

At a time of unprecedented technological advances, Taran Tatla and Jonathan Fishman gaze into the laryngological crystal ball… Introduction The recent explosion in science, technology and innovation takes us into a new era, with the opportunity and capability to transform...

Student education grants for hearing conference

Frequency Therapeutics is offering student sponsorship for a second year to the Future of Hearing Healthcare Conference. The grant is open to any students currently pursuing a graduate-level degree (master's or doctorate) in audiology or a related discipline.

What we need to know about the new frontier of inner ear therapies

This is an interesting and topical review of the emerging biotechnology and pharmaceutical solutions for hearing loss and related conditions such as tinnitus. This paper suggests we are on the cusp of a very large step-change in the way we...

In conversation with Professor Graeme Clark

As we celebrate the cochlear implant, we celebrate an amazing work of innovative biomedical engineering that is a life-changer to many recipients around the world. We take for granted the arduous journey of the cochlear implant since its conception. Eric...

Team proves secure pathway to the inner ear

An international team of surgeons and scientists has, for the first time, validated safe surgical access to the central core of the human cochlea.

Innovating around access to hearing services during the pandemic

COVID-19 has also presented its challenges to hearing healthcare providers and to the industry and, similarly, called for innovation and creativity. Dr Bromwich describes how these sectors are rising to the challenge. The reality of COVID-19 has been a challenging...

4th Annual Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit

Terrri Gaskell, Chief Technology Officer, Rinri TherapueticsHeld in Boston, USA, this was an essential gathering that captured the growing excitement in both the biotech and clinical communities surrounding the rapid advancements in hearing loss therapies. With the potential to significantly...

SEQaBOO: SEQuencing a Baby for an Optimal Outcome

There are at least 15 countries now running genome sequencing projects. The team in Manchester, UK, and Boston, USA, share their SEQaBOO project. Abstract SEQaBOO (SEQuencing a Baby for an Optimal Outcome) will transform newborn hearing screening (NBHS) by bringing...

A surgeon’s perspective on the challenges facing cochlear implantation in children

Cochlear implantation in children offers a different set of challenges and goals to adult practice. In this article, Iain Bruce, Professor of Paediatric Otolaryngology in Manchester, UK, explains some of the current clinical and research challenges in paediatric cochlear implantation,...

Entrepreneurial aspirations for the otolaryngologist

Entrepreneurship is a process of identifying an idea and starting a business venture with this idea. It requires generation of a business model or plan that emphasises the value proposition for the customer. The model must identify the partners, resources,...

The future of head and neck cancer surgery

Neil Sharma paints an exciting picture of the future of head and neck surgery with nanobots and robot augmented humans – science fiction or reality? Time will tell. ‘May you live in interesting times’ reads the old Chinese curse. The...