You searched for "screening"

1768 results found

Mobile apps for audiological screening

This article summarises the newly emerging mobile applications for audiological screening. The purpose is to try to reduce the time between individuals identifying a hearing problem and seeking help for it. These apps are gaining in popularity and recognition. The...

Vestibular screening in occupational medicine

Occupational vestibular disorders carry a high medico legal and economic burden. The occupational medicine physician must rely on rapid, non-invasive, economical and reproducible screening tests. This article compares the simplified caloric test of Veits (CTV) with the skull vibration-induced nystagmus...

Identifying congenital CMV: the screening debate

Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) is a significant global public health burden and is the biggest non-genetic cause of childhood hearing loss, as well as being an important cause of neurodevelopmental delay. Despite a study concluding that there was not enough evidence...

Screening for hearing loss with mHealth solutions

With the number of people suffering from hearing loss growing all the time, the need for early detection and intervention is imperative. De Wet Swanepoel discusses two examples of mHealth possibilities for hearing screening which, as a low cost solution,...

Screening for hearing loss in primary care

Hearing impairment is one physical disability that is increasing in prevalence in society in general, and in older adults in particular. Approximately 34 to 36 million Americans report suffering from some degree of hearing impairment with the number rising to...

Screening: evaluating the outcomes of early intervention

Newborn hearing screening is now the accepted standard of care in several countries, and is becoming increasingly more established worldwide. White [1] reported eight countries screening over 90% of newborns, ten screening between 25-89% of births and a further 54...

How to increase uptake of hearing screening in primary care

Untreated hearing loss leads to an increased risk of dementia and depression. There is currently little evidence to support the benefits of hearing screening in asymptomatic older adults. The main aim of the study was to compare three hearing screening...

The evolving role of OAEs in newborn hearing screening

An admission on emissions from James Hall! OAEs hold an established place in the screening of infants; Professor Hall introduces how OAEs established this position and the advances keeping the test relevant to today’s infant screening battery. Introduction Truthfully, when...

Adult hearing screening: consideration for a holistic model

Background Adult-onset hearing impairment is a highly prevalent and undertreated chronic problem that poses a significant burden of disease worldwide [1]. It is usually gradual and diagnosed and managed approximately 10 years after adults have first experienced hearing difficulties [2]....

Screening for hearing aid fittings – an approach for primary care

Introduction The communication difficulties related to hearing loss can lead to ‘depression, social withdrawal and problems with employment and access to information sources’ [1]. Furthermore, unmanaged hearing loss is associated with dementia, a poorer quality of life, depression, anxiety and...

Universal newborn hearing screening: a global health perspective

Intuitively, as health professionals, we know that universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) makes sense. Bolajoko Olusanya outlines how UNHS fits in with global health priorities, as well as illustrating how such programmes can help to deliver additional benefits to communities....

A snapshot of UK newborn hearing screening services during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, new guidance for newborn hearing screening programmes and management of audiology referrals was released by Public Health England [1,2]. There was also joint guidance from the UK professional bodies [3] and guidance from NHS England regarding...