You searched for "skull"

1578 results found

Skull base imaging: a review

This excellent review paper describes the anatomy, imaging protocols and differentiating imaging findings on CT and MRI in myriad skull base lesions. Skull base protocol MRI and thin section CT are required to evaluate all skull base lesions. According to...

Skull Base Surgery: Strategies

This book sets out to highlight the decision-making process in this most complex and technically demanding area of surgical practice. Its aim, as described in the foreword, is to show the “decision making process of choosing and executing a surgical...

Microsurgical and Endoscopic Approaches to the Skull Base

This is a comprehensive book which covers both microsurgical and endoscopic techniques. The introductory section focuses on setup for microsurgical and endoscopic techniques, with images to support this. A detailed description of instruments is also provided, which would be extremely...

Rhinology and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery

Having recently acquired a post-CCT Rhinology and Skull Base fellowship, I am eternally grateful to the good folk at ENT & Audiology News for this most recent book review opportunity! The book should suit most higher-level ENT trainees through to...

Otologic and Lateral Skull Base Trauma

Otologic and Lateral Skull Base Trauma is a unique textbook that offers the reader a detailed yet efficient overview of all manner of complications following lateral skull base trauma. Whilst the content focuses primarily on neurotological injury, pertinently, it also...

Practical Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery

The introduction describes this text as being useful for a wide readership including the medical student, physician assistant, nurse practitioner and physical therapist dealing with dizziness. I would be of the opinion as indicated in the preface that this is...

Anterior skull-base surgery: current opinion

This review examines the changes in the field of anterior skull-base surgery and the rapid advancement that has taken place in the last 10–15 years. Tumours of the anterior skull base that were once considered inoperable are now routinely resected...

Robotic surgery for ventral skull base malignancy

The use of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) in the head and neck area has been shown to be a safe and effective technique, achieving good oncological clearance of the oropharynx, hypopharynx, supraglottis and glottic area. However, robotic surgery for the...

Pediatric Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery

Published in 2020, this book, edited by professors of neurosurgery and otolaryngology, approaches the narrow field of paediatric endoscopic skull base surgery with a wealth of knowledge and expertise that the authors have achieved practising in adult and paediatric joint...

Manual of Endoscopic Sinus and Skull Base Surgery

The second edition of Manual of Endoscopic Sinus and Skull Base Surgery is a comprehensive problem oriented surgical guide that is an essential read for all endoscopic sinus surgeons. Based on their clinical and considerable teaching experience, the authors have...

Endoscopic Approaches to the Parsanasal Sinuses and Skull Base

This is an excellent book to cover the endoscopic approaches to the paranasal sinuses and skull base with a step-by-step anatomic dissection guide. The editors are a group of eminent skull base otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons in Barcelona, Spain, and they...

Endoscopic Transnasal Anatomy of the Skull Base and Adjacent Areas

This book is a well-designed colour atlas of sinus surgery which is up to date with all the modern techniques used in endoscopic sinus surgery. The multiple authors include well-established and renowned surgeons. It is divided into distinct chapters, with...