You searched for "tests"

1719 results found

Quality quantitative tests of taste & smell

Sensonics’ range of products provides the medical, scientific and industrial communities with reliable smell and taste tests for assessing chemosensory function.

Rapid Interpretation of Balance Function Tests

I read the title with some concern as I would prefer my test interpretation to be ‘accurate’ rather than ‘rapid’, nevertheless the content of the book delivers what one would anticipate is intended, which is an easy to read outline...

The era of lateral flow tests in ENT

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the versatility of lateral flow tests (LFTs), with heavy endorsement from healthcare professionals and a greater awareness among the general public.

Indication and timing of electrodiagnostic tests in facial palsy

This excellent review describes the benefits and limitations of electrodiagnostic testing for patients with facial paralysis. Tests such as Schirmer, stapedial reflex and electrogustometry have been largely replaced by neurophysiologic tests like nerve excitability test (NET), electroneuronography (ENoG), surface electromyography...

Canine hearing testing and the role of otoacoustic emission tests

Otoacoustic emissions testing is an accepted method of hearing testing in humans, but have you ever considered the situation in dogs? This article discusses deafness and hearing testing in dogs and the current role of OAE testing in this species....

Whale hearing tests through evoked potential audiometry

Covering over 70% of the earth’s surface and reaching known depths of 11km, the world’s oceans tick the box for an extreme environment. What do we know of the impact of environmental noise on the deep-sea dwellers of this habitat?...

What blood tests should be requested to investigate vocal cord paralysis?

Patients who are discovered to have a vocal cord palsy with no obvious cause on history or examination routinely undergo investigations to exclude an underlying pathology. Cross-sectional imaging of the relevant recurrent laryngeal nerve is required, but considerable variability has...

Speech audiometry tests in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment

This paper caught my eye because, with our ageing population, mild cognitive impairment and dementia are a major, growing problem. We know that ageing causes a multitude of medical and social issues. So it seems wise to investigate the effects...

Simple preoperative tests predicting outcomes for ESS patients?

We are all familiar with patients suffering extensive nasal polyps who relapse all to soon after careful and thorough endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). This paper looks to answer whether we can predict which patients will do well, and which less...

Independent lab tests and rates hearing aids

HearAdvisor is a new audio testing lab designed to understand how the performance of hearing aids differs.

Reliability of modified Dix-Hallpike test

Modifications of the Dix-Hallpike (DH) are sometimes necessary when the traditional DH is not feasible. The absence of any formal studies on modified DH was the idea behind this multicentre (three academic centres), prospective, randomised, single blinded and controlled clinical...

Vestibular screening in occupational medicine

Occupational vestibular disorders carry a high medico legal and economic burden. The occupational medicine physician must rely on rapid, non-invasive, economical and reproducible screening tests. This article compares the simplified caloric test of Veits (CTV) with the skull vibration-induced nystagmus...