You searched for "voice"

1227 results found

Industry interaction with the ENT speciality

I was enormously grateful for the chance to articulate my personal thoughts on ‘the industry interaction with the ENT clinical community’. To set a context, the term ‘industry’ refers to medical technology manufacturers and suppliers, in addition to pharmaceutical companies....

Coros: can a smart helmet make listening to audio content safer for cyclists?

The popularity of mobile phones has made listening to content while on the go – whether it be music, audiobooks, podcasts, or voice calls – a seemingly universal practice. Earbuds and other headphone styles adorn the ears of nearly every...

An update on laryngeal reinnervation

Laryngeal paralysis remains very difficult to treat, but reinnervation offers many attractions. Laryngeal paralysis presents a unique and varied problem that requires a patient centred approach and a range of treatment options depending on laryngeal and patient factors. There is...

Type 1 thyroplasty using a novel and inflatable implant from APrevent® VOIS

Unilateral vocal cord immobility severely impacts voice, swallowing, and airway functions. A novel approach offers adjustable medialisation for improved patient outcomes. Unilateral vocal cord immobility (UVCI) can cause significant disability to voice, swallowing, and airway functions. Patients with UVCI may...

Screening for hearing aid fittings – an approach for primary care

Introduction The communication difficulties related to hearing loss can lead to ‘depression, social withdrawal and problems with employment and access to information sources’ [1]. Furthermore, unmanaged hearing loss is associated with dementia, a poorer quality of life, depression, anxiety and...

Sentinel nodes and UADT tumours

This is the review of a multicentre study to set practical guidelines for sentinel node techniques (SLN) in upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) squamous cell carcinomas including classical and extended indications. SLN biopsies are strictly indicated in patients with clinically and...

Using the Ling-Madell-Hewitt (LMH) Test Battery

Why change a classic? Because of new knowledge and improved technology, of course! Drs Hewitt and Madell present an update to Daniel Ling’s classic speech test. One of Daniel Ling’s legacies is the Ling Six Sound Test which presents six...

From patient to performer

Peter Cawrey lives in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, with his wife Dorothy. He had a salvage laryngectomy for squamous cell carcinoma in 2015, three years following his initial radiotherapy. Due to complications and a complex recovery, he has elected not to have...

Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States

This book is intended as an introductory text for those studying deaf studies or American Sign Language in the USA. It is written by a mix of deaf and hearing authors and perhaps some of its shortcoming in feeling like...

Infant mental health and hearing loss

This interesting editorial explores an aspect in the field of research dedicated to promoting healthy social and emotional development and the prevention and treatment of mental health problems in very young children. Since babies learn through primary attachment relationships with...

ENT in this issue...Multidisciplinary Teams

Joanne Rimmer, MBBS, MA(Hons) Cantab, FRCS(ORL-HNS), FRACS, Consultant Otolaryngologist / Rhinologist, Monash Health; Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. E: The multidisciplinary team (MDT) has long been regarded as the gold standard in cancer care,...

BLA Presidency transfers from Mark Watson to Guri Sandhu

The BLA welcomed Guri Sandhu as incoming President from 1 May 2021. Guri Sandhu is a founding member of the BLA and current President of the Laryngology & Rhinology section at the RSM. He is a Consultant Otolaryngologist and Head...