You searched for "BACO"

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It’s not just about academic education for teenagers with TBI

Research has shown that many traumatic brain injuries are sustained before the age of 25. This article aims to examine the need for speech and language support for students with traumatic brain injury (TBI) beyond the issues a student may...

Transnasal endoscopic choanal atresia surgery

Surgery is currently the only definitive treatment for congenital choanal atresia (CCA). There are various surgical approaches including transnasal, transeptal or transpalatal. The authors propose that the preferred option is transnasal endoscopic choanal atresia surgery (TECAS) and set out to...

From Listening to Language: Comprehensive Intervention to Maximise Learning for Children and Adults with Hearing Loss

How does one build a two-storey house? Start with a firm foundation, followed by a strong structure. Only then can the floors and attic be added. Madell and Hewitt provide practitioners with this same blueprint to facilitate optimal outcomes for...

High praise for Peptest®: diagnosing LPR with confidence

BIOHIT HealthCare recently filmed an exciting testimonial video with Jane Shaw, Consultant Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust.

Cochlear implantation in SSD

There are currently several trials for cochlear implantation (CI) in single-sided deafness (SSD) being undertaken to answer some of the questions this paper from New York raises. Who is best suited to receive one? What are their outcomes and how...

Jan Plzák takes helm as president of the CEORL-HNS

The Confederation of European Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (CEORL-HNS) proudly announces the appointment of Professor Jan Plzák as its new president.

The effect of sleep deprivation on auditory processing

This article caught my eye for personal and professional reasons. As a full time ENT trainee working 24-hour on-calls, I also have young children who have never slept through the night and don’t respect weekends or days off. My FRCS...

ENT Wallabies

Juggling the demands of elite sport, a boisterous social life on tour and medical academia would seem too much for mere mortals. All in a day’s work for your average Wallaby. Currently I am a Senior Visiting Medical officer at...

Atlas of the Facial Nerve and Related Structures

Although we all know the course of the facial nerve is pretty complex, I was surprised that a whole book and 104 pages had been dedicated to describing it. However, on reading through the book, it is apparent that although...

Supporting the definitive diagnosis of LPR

Voice disorders affect one in 25 people in the UK, and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a common culprit. LPR occurs when the stomach contents – including strong digestive enzymes like pepsin – flow back up into the throat, causing inflammation...

Medicine and Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney grew up in the 1940s. Infectious diseases – diphtheria, poliomyelitis, mumps, measles and rubella – were rife. Stepping Stones recalled talk among older neighbours of ‘a-waiting on’ when they were close to death. Aunts and uncles succumbed to...

Taking a fresh look at otoacoustic emissions

So what has changed in four decades of OAEs? Do we now have all the answers? Have we reached our optimum recording ability? Professor Kemp explains what we know, what we don’t know and what’s to come. In the 40...