You searched for "SSD"

108 results found

Neurological idiopathic disease: a shared journey for NASA and medicine

Whilst Southampton can’t really be described as an extreme environment, experiments carried out in the city have certainly been taken out of this world. Robert Marchbanks discusses one of the associations between Southampton, The International Space Station and tympanic membrane...

Hidden genetic disorders in children that may present to the otolaryngologist

Background Among the many hundreds of children presenting to the otolaryngology clinic are a few whose symptoms are due to an underlying genetic condition. In most cases the underlying syndrome is obvious and has already been diagnosed, such as the...

Addressing ear and hearing care through task sharing: the Malawian experience

How can ear and hearing care be addressed in a setting with limited resources? Wakisa Mulwafu, Chris Prescott and Johan Fagan present an innovative model for training ear surgery technicians to perform endoscopic myringoplasty under local anaesthesia on a large...

Perspectives on audiology training and education in Canada and New Zealand

In this Trainee Matters we look at audiology training in two different locations from around the world, Canada and New Zealand. Marshall Chasin gives us an overview of the education system in Canada, while Amy Arrowsmith explains the history of...

10th ECHNO

The European Congress on Head & Neck Oncology (ECHNO) is organised every two years by the European Head and Neck Society (EHNS). In 2023, the local organiser of this renowned congress is the Portuguese Head and Neck Cancer Study Group,...

The Business of Audiology

Brian J Fligor, PhD, PASC, President, Audiologist-in-Chief, Tobias & Battite Hearing Wellness, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. When it works well, capitalism is an excellent driver of innovation, generation of wealth, and adherence to best practices resulting in optimal outcomes. When...

Adolescence, drug use and body image

Teenagers are notoriously conscious of how they are perceived by others. Dr Saraiva and colleagues explain how this can lead to problems with substance abuse for both boys and girls, and discuss the different substances they may encounter. Adolescence is...

Cochlear implants and therapeutics: a natural partnership?

Global awareness of cochlear implants as a solution for hearing loss is slowly increasing and gaining acceptance. The potential for combining cochlear implants with inner ear therapeutics is immense, with promise in several areas. This article takes us on a...

Focus on ENT trainees with additional qualifications

In this Trainee Matters, we focus on ENT trainees with additional qualifications. Eight accomplished trainees tell Emma Stapleton how their achievements have benefitted them both professionally and personally. Their professional achievements have included a National Training Number in ENT, presentations,...

AOT 2019: Annual Association of Otolaryngologists in Training Conference

Report by: Miss Summy Bola, ST6 Registrar at The John Radcliffe Hospital. The 2019 Association of Otolaryngologist in Training (AOT) conference was a sold-out affair. Hosted by the London Deanery, the annual gathering was kick-started by its long-established Thursday activity,...

Taking life by the throat

Patients suffering with problems with their voice, airway and/or swallowing can find their symptoms immensely distressing, and their care places a huge burden on healthcare systems. We hear from a world-leading laryngologist on current and future directions. Field of interest...

Recent changes in vestibular science and assessment

Clinical assessment of the dizzy or imbalanced patient is all about the patient’s history. History, history, history. But what about puzzling cases when we feel we need more information? Sally Rosengren gives us a rundown of the vestibular tests which...