You searched for "acoustic"

334 results found

Clinical strategies for improving music listening

For audiologists and patients alike, the technical challenges of fitting hearing aids for music are well known. Drs Greasley and Crook introduce their research and top tips for improving satisfaction in this important topic. Hearing aids are often problematic for...

School-Based Audiology

I was interested to read this book which aims to cover the basics required for school based audiologists (or ‘educational audiologists’ as they are also known) working in the USA, as I had limited knowledge of this role. The role...

The Human Ear Canal

If ever a book aptly lived up to its name, it would be ‘The Human Ear Canal’ by Dr Ballachandra. Not once straying from its path, this second edition aims to take the reader on a somewhat tangential tour of...

Stimulation for tinnitus

Tinnitus is known to be inhibited by stimulation of the auditory system by stimuli such as acoustical, electrical and magnetic. Residual inhibition (RI) is when tinnitus is temporarily eliminated for a period of time lasting seconds, minutes, up to hours...

Audiovestibular findings in children with enlarged vestibular aqueduct

Enlarged vestibular aqueduct is reported to affect up to 15% of the paediatric population with sensorineural hearing loss. Devin McCaslin and Bridget Smith provide an up-to-date overview of the mechanisms and clinical symptoms underlying the condition and share some of...

Hyperacusis and autism spectrum disorder

Several different auditory deficits have been found to be co-morbidities of ASD. This article reviews literature with respect to the relationship between hyperacusis and ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be characterised as a neurodevelopmental condition that is marked by...

ENT/AUDIOLOGY in this issue March/April 2020

Emma Stapleton, MBChB, FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant Otolaryngologist, Cochlear Implant and Skull Base Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK. E: Twitter: @otolaryngolofox Martin O’ Driscoll, Consultant Clinical Scientist; Head of Audiology and Hearing Implants, Audiology (Hearing and Balance) Centre, Manchester Royal...

Independent lab tests and rates hearing aids

HearAdvisor is a new audio testing lab designed to understand how the performance of hearing aids differs.

History of Hearing Device

Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Senior Audiologist, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: alex.griffiths-brown@nhs.netTwitter: @griffithsbrown1 When I was asked to edit ENT&A Nov/Dec 2023 on the history of hearing devices, I knew it was going to be...

Accolade for hearing-loss experts

The ARO Pioneer Award in Basic Science for 2024 has been given to Dr Andrej Kral and Dr Stephen G Lomber in recognition of their fundamental work on understanding brain plasticity after hearing loss.

Storytelling is good for your memory

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) presents a challenging frontier in healthcare due to the limited availability of effective drugs. Despite its prevalence and potential progression to dementia, there remains a notable gap in pharmacological interventions targeting MCI. This month’s Editors’ Choice...

Tinnitus: Clinical and Research Perspectives

This book encapsulates the many facets of tinnitus from its enigmatic neurophysiological underpinnings to its cognitive effects and treatment approaches. The editors’ multidisciplinary approach in recruiting field experts from a variety of clinical and research backgrounds provides the reader with...