You searched for "adenoma"

89 results found

Clinicopathological features of follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma

The follicular variant (FV) of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is characterised by the presence of nuclear features of PTC together with a follicular growth pattern. It is currently reported to make up 11.8% to 53.3% of all PTC cases. It...

Predictors of diabetes insipidus post-hypophysectomy

Transient diabetes insipidus (DI) after pituitary surgery is not uncommon and its diagnosis fairly obvious. Permanent DI is rare and often depends on the neurosurgeon’s experience. This retrospective study describes a large series of patients with majority undergoing endoscopic transsphenoidal...

Should all patients with BPPV have an MRI?

This paper describes an interesting series of 500 patients over a 10-year period with posterior canal BPPV, who had been investigated with MRI. The female to male ratio was 1.6:1 with a mean age of 56. There was a right...

Paediatric pituitary surgery - is it lagging behind?

Endoscopic sellar surgery, especially for adenomas, is a relatively safe, straightforward surgery with (mostly) reproducible results and few complications. However, the evolution of pituitary surgery was a long process, starting from open/transfrontal approaches all the way to transsphenoid to the...

A brief history of adenoidectomy - a glowing report of the post nasal space

The traditional adenoid curette more closely resembles a medieval torture device than an instrument of cure. Therefore it is not much of a surprise to learn that it has changed little since its invention almost 150 years ago. During that...

Nuclear heads – and necks

Imaging of the extra-cranial head and neck is challenging due to the anatomic complexity of the region. CT, MRI and ultrasonography (US) are amongst the most frequently utilised radiological modalities in head and neck imaging but do not always provide...

Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea hypopneoa syndrome (OSAHS) without sleep studies

Polysomnography is considered the ‘gold standard’ in the diagnosis of sleep apnoea but it is expensive and difficult to perform in children. Diagnosis based on subjective judgement is often inaccurate. An accurate diagnostic scale based on clinical parameters could obviate...

Maternal angst

This paper confirms the anxiety that a mother experiences when their child undergoes surgery. The paper focuses on adenoidectomy and adenotonsillectomy for moderate to severe upper airway obstruction showing admirably how anxiety reduces following surgery. The authors recruited 66 mothers...

Pediatric Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery

Published in 2020, this book, edited by professors of neurosurgery and otolaryngology, approaches the narrow field of paediatric endoscopic skull base surgery with a wealth of knowledge and expertise that the authors have achieved practising in adult and paediatric joint...

Imaging of the parathyroid glands in primary hyperparathyroidism: where do we stand?

Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) refers to an intrinsic parathyroid gland abnormality that produces excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone. PHPT is diagnosed biochemically, and surgical excision of the abnormal parathyroid tissue represents the only definitive cure. Historically, the standard operative management of...

Blocked nose in children with allergic rhinitis

Nasal obstruction is a classic symptom in children with allergic rhinitis. While the nasal obstructive disorders including septal deformity, turbinate hyperplasia and adenoidal enlargement are widely recognised in adult nasal blockage, their relationship with paediatric allergic rhinitis however, is scarcely...

Curettage adenoidectomy impairs eustachian tube function

Adenoidectomy is a common procedure undertaken for obstructive sleep apnoea and nasal obstruction. Curettage is the most common technique but is associated with complications (mucosal trauma, bleeding) that may cause eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD). This study analysed changes in middle...