You searched for "obstruction"

1574 results found

Long term morbidity of extended medial maxillectomy for inverted papilloma

This Italian review paper looks at five-year morbidity after extended endoscopic medial maxillectomy in 59 patients in a university teaching hospital setting. All patients underwent an extended approach medial maxillectomy for inverting papilloma, this included removal of the entire medial...

Which technique is better for turbinate reduction: surgical turbinoplasty or radiofrequency ablation?

Turbinate hypertrophy; radiofrequency; surgical turbinoplasty; visual analogue score

The sleep nasendoscopy learning curve

There seems to be no accepted way of surgically assessing patients with sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Because of this, clinicians fall roughly into three camps: those who just use one operation for all patients, those who have given up surgery...

ENT bodies stand up for Ukraine

Leading ENT and audiology organisations have made a stand against Russia’s war in Ukraine.

BACO 2015: Meet the Key Brits

The triennial BACO is always a feast of academic and social activity – and BACO 2015 promises to be as busy as ever. We hear from three of the key British speakers who are making big contributions to this year’s...

BACO International 2018: Key Speakers

Prof Aldo C Stamm, MD, MSc, PhD Anatomy of the paranasal sinuses and skull base, and breaking the paradigms in severe spontaneous epistaxis It is a true honour to participate as an invited faculty member at the upcoming BACO International...

Elasticated retraction in head and neck surgery – a trainee’s perspective

The effectiveness of surgical technique and satisfactory outcome is greatly dependent on good surgical exposure. Retraction requires adequate traction and counter-traction of tissues in order to expose the tissue or organ under scrutiny for the surgeon. This is a universal...

OSA – do the parents know best?

The difficulty in using the history and examination to determine the severity of sleep disordered breathing in children is well established. The relative prevalence of sleep disordered breathing symptoms in children, and the relative paucity of capacity and restrictive cost...

What is Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE)?

THRIVE is a physiological mechanism for oxygenating and ventilating patients who are under general anaesthesia and who have diminished or absent respiratory effort [1]. Classical ventilation requires bulk flow of gases into and out of the lungs driven by chest...

Voice change after total thyroidectomy with intact laryngeal nerves – a common but temporary problem

It has been reported that up to 87% of patients have a degree of voice dysfunction after thyroidectomy, even when the laryngeal nerves are preserved. Postoperative inflammation, laryngeal oedema due to vascular congestion, direct damage to the cricothyroid muscles and...

Is surgery in obese children with obstructive sleep apnoea effective?

The authors present the results of their literature review and meta-analysis of studies examining adenotonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), supraglottoplasty, tongue base surgery or a combination in obese children with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The one study investigating effects of UPPP was...

Health related quality of life measures as outcome parameters in middle ear diseases

Surely the only outcome needed for post-surgical ears is a better PTA? Marcus Neudert argues there should be more to it than that. To draw a comprehensive picture of the disease-associated restrictions in patients with chronic otitis media, audiometric outcome...