You searched for "syndrome"

206 results found

Rhinology: what does the future hold?

David Kennedy surveys the past, the present and the future of rhinology practice and research. An evolution of understanding in rhinology The dramatic growth of clinical and translational research within the field of rhinology in recent years is illustrated by...

Clinical utility and practical interpretation of the video head impulse test

The head impulse test (HIT) is an essential bedside test to detect peripheral vestibular deficits. The video head impulse test (vHIT) is a new tool quantifying the HIT. In this article Maria Heuberger and colleagues point out the clinical utility...

Chronic rhinosinusitis management: back to the future?

Immunology is a dim and distant medical school memory to many ENT surgeons, but the increasingly complex immunology of chronic rhinosinusitis is fascinating (honestly!). Medical management options in CRS no longer just involves saline and steroids, and we need to...

Decreased sound tolerance in autism: understanding and distinguishing between hyperacusis, misophonia, and phonophobia

Decreased sound tolerance (DST) affects a significant proportion of autistic people throughout their lifetime and, as Zachary J Williams explains, it is important that clinicians are aware of the three distinct subtypes of DST when making a diagnosis. Autism spectrum...

Imaging and management of head and neck vascular anomalies

Vascular anomalies are a diffuse spectrum of abnormalities which often involve the head, neck and oral cavity. They are frequently misnamed, often being generically labelled as haemangiomas. This lack of basic understanding can cause confusion leading to a cascade of...

Reflections on virtual teaching

In a situation where we cannot meet our students (whether they be medical professionals or non-medical), how do we maintain their education? Peter Samuel has been speaking to some colleagues on how they have risen to the challenge. The COVID-19...

65th Congress of Japan Audiological Society

By Yasue Uchida, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Aichi Medical University, Japan. The 65th Congress of Japan Audiological Society was held in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The Congress President was Dr Michihiko Sone, Professor of Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nagoya...

Sex and the Nose

For regular attentive readers of our little magazine, JRY will need no introduction. The word ‘polymath’ barely does him justice: a Colonel in the Medical Corps with an MPhil in poetry and apparently one of the “50 coolest people in...

Occlusal splint, injections or arthrocentesis in myofascial pain

Facial pain is a fairly common complaint and may present in a myriad of symptoms. These patients present to both dentists and general practitioners and could end up referred to a number of specialists. Temporomandibular disorders may originate from either...

Diagnosing persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)

The authors, part of an influential committee of experts of the Bárány Society, proposed this consensus document after reviewing 30 years of research on phobic postural vertigo, space-motion discomfort, visual vertigo, and chronic subjective dizziness. They also reviewed interesting historical...

15th International ENT Masterclass®

Report by: Dr Natasha Quraishi, Foundation Year Two Doctor, North West Thames Foundation School, London, UK. As sure as day follows night, the last weekend in January can only mean one thing: the latest Annual International ENT Masterclass. This year...

From trauma to recovery: treatment at Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre

This year (2014) is the centenary year of the beginning of the Great War. This conflict brought with it a cluster of emotional disorders that were called at the time, Shell-Shock. The present conflict in Afghanistan has been talked of...