There is a growing interest in investigating, understanding and managing tinnitus in children and adolescents, with several articles on the subject published in journals over the last year. Brian Fligor describes the approaches to consider when discussing tinnitus with teenagers....
Misophonia can be a distressing condition for teenagers and can have devastating effects upon their home and school lives. There is little research in this area and, as Lucy Partridge explains, more is greatly needed in order to identify interventions...
Can we use a teenager’s love of gadgets to re-engage them with their hearing technology? Gwen Carr reports on an innovative use of telehealth to support teenagers who are no longer visiting their hearing healthcare professionals. Parents of children and...
The authors aimed to assess timbral cues’ perception of teenagers with cochlear implants and compare it to the respective perception of normally hearing teenagers. Thirty-four teenagers were included in the study, nine Korean adolescents with cochlear implants and 25 adolescents...
Children require good signal-to-noise ratios for optimum listening and learning. The use of remote microphone technology can be of benefit, yet older children often resist using it. Jennifer Groth reviews the challenges facing older children in the use of remote...
Body dysmorphic disorder is a serious psychiatric condition that we all need to be aware of when contemplating aesthetic surgery. It can present in children as well as adults. Prof Vieira and Dr de Carvalho discuss the tell-tale signs and...
Teenagers are notoriously conscious of how they are perceived by others. Dr Saraiva and colleagues explain how this can lead to problems with substance abuse for both boys and girls, and discuss the different substances they may encounter. Adolescence is...
Tuesday 9th October, 2012 started like any other ordinary day in the life of a 15-year-old girl in Swat, Northern Pakistan. A trip to school and back with an exam in the morning. But this was not a normal day,...
A comprehensive text that will appeal to speech and language therapists at all stages of their careers, from undergraduate through to seasoned professionals working directly in the field. Despite there being 64 contributors (mostly from the US), the editors have...
Tonsillectomy is one of the most common operations performed across the developed world. Salil Sood and Ray Clarke discuss the special considerations that apply when performing this procedure on adolescent patients. Tonsillitis in teenagers can be exceptionally painful and disruptive....
Sitting next to a teenager on a train with their iPod turned up loud enough for the entire carriage to hear is annoying, most will agree. Perhaps I might educate them about the risks of ‘music’ (if you can call...
In this article Ena Nielsen from the Ida Institute discusses new ways to put teens in the driver’s seat of their hearing healthcare needs. The teenage years can be a challenging time for any young person. When hearing loss is...