You searched for "IFOS"

107 results found

A ‘smarter’ personal amplification device

The hearing aids available on the market today are undeniably impressive, particularly when compared to their clunky and squeaky predecessors. At a most basic level, hearing aids sample the surrounding auditory signal in real-time, breaking sounds down into frequency-specific channels....

Screening for hearing loss with mHealth solutions

With the number of people suffering from hearing loss growing all the time, the need for early detection and intervention is imperative. De Wet Swanepoel discusses two examples of mHealth possibilities for hearing screening which, as a low cost solution,...

IOS 2024

The 65th Irish Otorhinolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery Society conference was hosted by IOS president, Professor Rory McConn Walsh in Titanic Belfast.

Braci PRO – Alerts for the Hearing Impaired

The honk of a car. An ambulance siren. A fire alarm. The ring of a doorbell. These alerting sounds are used to communicate information of varying levels of importance to us in our homes on a daily basis. Unfortunately this...

How loud is too loud? Smart ways to monitor noise exposure through your headphones

As an audiologist, an increasingly common concern patients have is noise exposure from their headphones and how it will impact their hearing over time. It’s a legitimate worry considering the average adult is streaming audio content on their mobile devices...

Mobile apps for ENT emergencies

On-call apps have been covered in this publication before, with reference apps taking centre stage [1]. This article will focus on apps with specific functions which can be of use in frequently arising emergency scenarios. However, for reference apps I...

Innovating around access to hearing services during the pandemic

COVID-19 has also presented its challenges to hearing healthcare providers and to the industry and, similarly, called for innovation and creativity. Dr Bromwich describes how these sectors are rising to the challenge. The reality of COVID-19 has been a challenging...

From the editor JulAug19

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Editor, ENT & Audiology News; Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: Welcome We are delighted to launch this current edition of ENT & Audiology News from Brussels,...


Blogs continue to be an excellent medium for sharing ideas and information with the public simply and effectively. With more than 150 million blogs currently circulating the Web, there is no shortage of high quality blogs related to the field...

Virtual and augmented reality in surgery

Virtual reality (VR) is a three-dimensional, computer generated environment which can be accessed using a virtual reality headset, allowing individuals to immerse themselves in this virtual world. Augmented reality (AR) systems layer virtual information over a live camera feed into...

Noise monitoring on a smartphone

“The smartphone has more computing power than was used to put the first man on the moon.” Robert Eikelboom discusses the potential of the smartphone as an effective noise monitoring device. Noise exposure and public health Excessive exposure to noise...

In conversation with De Wet Swanepoel

A revolutionary new otoscope is using artificial intelligence to dramatically improve access to ear and hearing care in South African outreach communities. Carolina Leal, spoke to Professor De Wet Swanepoel of the University of Pretoria about how his team developed...