You searched for "business"

257 results found

The Business of Audiology

Brian J Fligor, PhD, PASC, President, Audiologist-in-Chief, Tobias & Battite Hearing Wellness, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. When it works well, capitalism is an excellent driver of innovation, generation of wealth, and adherence to best practices resulting in optimal outcomes. When...

The business of audiology: unbundling

Many professions, such as law, accounting, engineering and some areas of healthcare charge hourly rates in a fee-for-service model. Administratively, this can be a challenge to track hours, bill clients/patients, and collect payment, but this does lend toward greater transparency...

Job Ahead: understanding the business and financial aspects of US practice

Dr Christiansen brings over 30 years of experience as a practising otolaryngologist both in private practice and in academic medicine as Associate Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology at the University of Missouri School of Medicine. Dr Christiansen started his career in...

Stuttering and bullying - everyone’s business

This article emphasises that bullying (distinct from teasing- the former being defined as repeated actions intended as harmful, compared to good-natured interactions enjoyed by everyone) is an issue that can impact significantly on a child or young person’s ability to...

Dr. Gyl’s Guide to a Successful Hearing Care Practice

This book covers a much-needed area in audiology to help support independent/small businesses set up their own clinics. The book covers a range of topics and talks through the rationale behind decisions vital in business. The author states that a...

Strategic Practice Management – 2nd Edition

I was very pleased to take on the task of reviewing this book as I support Starkey’s Business Development Partnership Programme set up to support the UK and Irish Independent sector and to encourage audiologists to run their own businesses....

Audiology Workbook – Third Edition

The Audiology Workbook (third edition) is aimed at students completing an audiology degree. It is designed as an accompaniment to the authors’ textbook, but I feel it could be used as a standalone workbook for any student audiologist. It asks...

Leading and managing audiology service through a social enterprise model

As these things sometimes happen, our first conversations about Social Enterprise happened pretty much by chance and in our case were a by-product of discussions about a new department having outgrown the current one. The National Health Service (NHS) Audiology...

VACANCY: Audiology Partner – Bexleyheath

Grow your own business, look after your private and NHS customers, serve your community, create an asset for your family’s future and enjoy the profits of all your hard work.

Audiology Practice Management

Brian J Taylor manages to skilfully compile a plethora of information relating to all aspects of audiology practice management. The author has cleverly formulated this book into bite-sized chunks which are easy to read, understand and follow. This book is...