You searched for "research"

2051 results found

National selection: is the research section of the portfolio fit for purpose?

Applications for ENT training roles in every country require certain criteria to be met. In the UK, ST3 recruitment applications have scores allocated to research experience. In this opinion piece, the authors share their assessment of the potential issues around...

Auditory Brainstem Evoked Potentials: Clinical and Research Applications

This book is aimed at and will be most useful for students first learning about ABR or researchers/clinicians looking for in-depth explanations on the anatomical sites of generation for the differing auditory brainstem evoked potentials. It is, however, I would...

Sharing audio data for the greater good of research

HomeBank is a novel online repository for daylong audio recordings of children and families. Daylong recordings of children in naturalistic environments with their family and friends are an important source of information to enable an understanding of how children develop...

European funding for the tinnitus research network TINNET

Over 70 million people in Europe experience tinnitus, and for seven million it creates a debilitating condition. Severe tinnitus is often associated with depression, anxiety and insomnia, resulting in an enormous socio-economic impact [1]. It has been estimated that 13...

Hyperacusis and Disorders of Sound Intolerance: Clinical and Research Perspectives

Hyperacusis and other forms of decreased sound tolerance (DST) is an area that many ENT/audiological colleagues would deem as ‘woolly’. This is due to a lack of understanding behind the mechanism of the symptoms, a lack of evidence-based assessment tools...

The ups and downs of overseas research – the inner ear at altitude

Conducting research at extreme altitude presents unique challenges. This study of the inner ear at 5350m navigates setbacks in a quest for scientific discovery. Having completed a diploma in mountain medicine in my foundation years, I decided to undertake a...

Supporting patients with chronic dizziness and investing in vestibular research

The Ménière’s Society is the UK’s leading vestibular charity. Their team is available to help patients access reliable information, source a vestibular specialist or talk to someone who understands what they’re going through.

Fifteen years of vestibular implant research in humans

Implants: it’s all in the balance! Prof Guyot and his team give us an update on their research in addressing bilateral vestibular deficits via an implant. Doctors are often unaware that people, even young, may lose vestibular function on both...

Strength of evidence in otolaryngology research – do women make the difference?

Clinicians around the world understand the need for research and publication of gathered evidence to inform practice and improve patient outcomes. The introduction of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine (CEBM) Levels of Evidence guideline in 2011, has been invaluable...

Trainee-led collaborative research and audit in ENT: where are we now?

In late 2015 INTEGRATE, the UK ENT Trainee Research Network, was formed. Since then, two national projects have been completed and INTEGRATE has grown into a larger, more structured organisation, with otology, head and neck and rhinology subcommittees working alongside...

Help shape the future of mild to moderate hearing loss research

A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership has been formed to help shape the future of research into mild-moderate hearing loss. Who is the Priority Setting Partnership? The Partnership brings together Hearing Link, Action on Hearing Loss, the British Society...

Are ENT patients who research their symptoms online better informed?

All our patients look up their symptoms online before they visit us, don’t they? And patients who do so are better informed than those who don’t, right? Well, that’s not actually the case… The ‘information era’ More information is now...